Oct 15, 2010 04:34

I am so, so excited about this.  As a part of Celebrate Dollhouse at rossum_report , a Dollhouse Comment Love-A-Thon is going live tomorrow!  I'll be ficcing because I'm marginally less useless at that than everything else, but there will also be icons and vids and LOVE ALL OVER THE PLACE.

Unrelated AtS fridge brilliance, and this is total brilliance:

unless you all caught it right away and i'm a jackass? )


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Comments 3

eleusis_walks October 15 2010, 19:46:20 UTC
Yep. That is the point, synthesis of W&H and Jasmine as everything Angel despised and has now become.

It is also the synthesis of Darla's choice for Connor and Connor's choice for Jasmine, in that he both sacrifices his relationship with his child so the child might have a better life, and also 'kills' the child.


local_max October 16 2010, 01:05:08 UTC
Yep! Oh so much love for the turnaround from Peace Out to Home. Because Angel knows what he believes in...but, it's his SON and he shouldn't suffer, and principles be damned, right? Connor pleads that you can't be saved by a lie, in Home, as well. Sigh.

DOLLHOUSE COMMENT-A-THON WHY DID I NOT KNOW ABOUT THIS. My relationship with Dollhouse is, shall we say, rocky but my love knows no bounds.


pocochina October 16 2010, 06:07:42 UTC
It's fascinating. I need to write down my Angel thoughts some day. I do. But they come spiked (heh?) with SO MUCH HATERADE and I just...am here for fun, you know? It's such a weird relationship. Because I find him interesting! So then I think about him, and get angrier every time. Then I get distracted and stop, until I notice him in another episode, and the Spiral of Rage starts all over again.


WHY DID YOU NOT KNOW ABOUT THIS. It's here. I'd actually really recommend watching the comm, there's also a two-week conversation/meta meme going on right now. I have so much love for Dollhouse.


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