day ampersand - getting married

Feb 21, 2013 22:43

This is another cheat for a couple reasons. One, this was mostly already written in emails to pearl_o, I just cleaned it up a bit. Two, it's not actually a wedding, it's a proposal, which is SORT of like getting married. It's part of the cop AU I will probably never finish, where Erik is a cop and Moira is his partner and they're head of the Mutant Crimes ( Read more... )

charles/erik, 25 days of otp, fic: 2013, cop au i will never finish, fic: xmfc

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Comments 12

afrocurl February 22 2013, 05:18:44 UTC
♥ ♥


pocky_slash February 22 2013, 14:41:49 UTC


almostnever February 22 2013, 06:14:05 UTC
So darling ♥


pocky_slash February 22 2013, 14:41:59 UTC
Aw, thanks ♥


synekdokee February 22 2013, 07:36:36 UTC
I am dying of happiness.

Did you ever post the previous bits of this AU? Simply because I love cop AUs sob


pocky_slash February 22 2013, 14:48:03 UTC
I don't think I've posted any of it anywhere else, no. Most of it was hashing out the plot in emails to pearl_o and snippets I wrote that didn't really connect to anything else? As I can't imagine it being done any time soon (if at all), I can send them to you if you'd like?

But, hee, thanks, I'm glad you liked the snippet :D


synekdokee February 22 2013, 15:01:40 UTC
Omg I would love to read them! You can PM them to me, or my email is <3


ang3l_sh1 February 22 2013, 12:42:26 UTC
Honestly coming home from the stress of work and opening up LJ everyday so far has been a treat. Thank you so much for doing these ficlets. They're really brightening up my day. <3 <3 <3


pocky_slash February 22 2013, 14:48:35 UTC
Awwww, thanks! :D :D :D I'm glad you've been enjoying them! I have to say that, personally, I'm looking forward to March XD


ilovetakahana February 22 2013, 12:45:56 UTC
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥


pocky_slash February 22 2013, 14:49:31 UTC
:D :D :D


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