day thursday - cooking/baking

Feb 21, 2013 19:33

Have some post-movie mutant school AU mansion fic. It occurs to me now that Charles tickling Ororo might be more of a daycare!Charles thing than a canon!Charles thing, but let's assume that several months of having become a father to a five year old girl has changed some things? Or I might edit it out before I AO3 it, who knows ( Read more... )

charles/erik, 25 days of otp, fic: 2013, fic: xmfc

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Comments 9

afrocurl February 22 2013, 01:15:45 UTC
Like always, I just have a warm smile on my face from this.

Simple, but also speaking volumes.


pocky_slash February 22 2013, 14:38:29 UTC
Thank you ♥


bessiemaemucho February 22 2013, 03:01:09 UTC
Awww, cutest.

Also I totally want quiche now.


pocky_slash February 22 2013, 14:38:53 UTC
Ugh, I know, right? I always write about food and then inevitably crave that food D:


pearl_o February 22 2013, 04:40:38 UTC


pocky_slash February 22 2013, 14:38:59 UTC


ilovetakahana February 22 2013, 12:43:22 UTC
*all the happy happy whale noises*


pocky_slash February 22 2013, 14:39:07 UTC
Heee! Thank you ♥


grass_angel February 22 2013, 15:53:27 UTC
Your kid-fic is forever the cutest, especially mixed in with Erik cooking and little!Ororo.


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