i no longer have my icon about how wonderful peeta is

Mar 26, 2012 11:47

Okay, guys. Let's talk about The Hunger GamesBefore that, though, let's talk about THE RAMPENT STUPIDITY OF PEOPLE. After missing (most of) the midnight showing, I was torn between my intense desire to actually see this movie and my hatred of people. When you see a midnight showing, even though it's late and crazy, you at least know you're ( Read more... )

jennifer lawrence, movies, hunger games

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Comments 19

likeadeuce March 26 2012, 16:18:20 UTC
That person's reaction is hilarious. Maybe there was a rumor of a different ending? But -- I don't know what it would be besides going back to D12?


pocky_slash March 26 2012, 16:33:25 UTC
I DON'T KNOW. Like, I don't understand why she was upset? If she read the books and liked them? And they ended the same way? Did she think they were going to sneakily kill everyone instead? I figured upon hearing that it ended the same way as the book she's be relieved, but apparently I ruined her night o_O


likeadeuce March 26 2012, 16:56:15 UTC
"Katniss Everdeen and Peeta Mellark. You've just won the Hunger Games and I bet you think that makes you hot shit. Well. My name is Nick Fury, and I'm here to tell you about the Avengers Initiative."


pocky_slash March 26 2012, 17:07:05 UTC
SOMEONE I KNOW WAS JUST TALKING ABOUT THAT. And about how someone she was with made them stay to the end of the credits just in case Nick Fury showed up. AND NOW I WANT IT SO BADLY, YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW.


momebie March 26 2012, 17:43:01 UTC
KAIT. I REALLY ENJOYED THIS MOVIE. A LOT. Like, I want to see it again to get my Thoughts sorted and most of the people I know DON'T want to see it again so I'll have to find time for it ( ... )


pocky_slash March 26 2012, 20:43:20 UTC
Yaaaaaaaaaaaaay! I'm so glad you liked it!

I just loved it so much, I can't even. And I really did think that it stood alone as a movie and I'm glad that you agree! I feel like making it ~*exactly like the book*~ with regard to what left out would have just made it clunkier and added a lot of unnecessary extra characters and such. I think it was just spectacularly well done. And I'm even more in love with Jennifer Lawrence than I was before, which is something.

Mr. Bowers didn't like it? I'm so not surprised given that all of his opinions are always awful and wrong. (Um. Sorry. I know he's your friend. He just rubs me the wrong way.)

OH GOD KL WHY DO YOU LIVE IN FLORIDA I WOULD GO SEE IT WITH YOU AGAIN. I'm already trying to calculate the least-busy time to try and see it again because I really can't deal with people but I want to look for all the stuff I missed the first time trough.


momebie March 26 2012, 20:58:36 UTC
Making movies just like the book is usually a recipe for disaster anyway. I love seeing the ways they adapt things, which probably just means that I need to move this book up on my To Read list. Maybe after the new John Green. Hm. And god yes. When they had her in the black outfit for the chariot ride and she turned to walk away I was silently boggling and saying 'JENNIFER LAWRENCE, WHAT IS YOUR WAIST?' under my breath. But her girlish good looks aside, I thought she acted wonderfully and even though I don't have any preconceptions for the character she did a good job of fleshing her out the way she did ( ... )


theemdash March 27 2012, 11:14:21 UTC
most of the people I know DON'T want to see it again

WHAT? Both jedimara77 and I said we want to see it again. What crack are you smoking?

PS I really think you'll like Cinna in the books.


harmonyangel March 26 2012, 21:22:37 UTC
Dude, since I know you feel the same way about Katniss and Peeta that I do, can we talk about the part where she SHOVES HIM AGAINST A WALL? You rarely EVER see that from a female character to a male character (it tends to be a male/male trope that encourages slashy readings), and DAMN. I can't wait until that bit in the second book where they're clearly about to screw like bunnies.


pocky_slash March 27 2012, 12:45:22 UTC
First off, I can't believe that people DON'T have the same Katniss/Peeta feelings that we do, but this is the internet, so of course there are wrong opinions. BUT OH MY GOD JESUS CHRIST THAT WAS HOT. I also love that she's taller than him because I totally have a size difference kink and aaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh I can't even. I CAN'T EVEN.


suchthefangirl March 26 2012, 21:32:01 UTC
This was really funny. Do you remember Jai? We did the museum thingy with her in Boston? Well I JUST read her review of the movie, right before I read yours (too lazy to do a real link, here: http://soundslikej.livejournal.com/377730.html).

I had to check that I wasn't accidentally reading hers again. The two of you say some of the exact things, IN THE EXACT WORDS almost!

I loved the movie, but I've not read the books. Thing is, I don't know if I want to? When things got really hard to watch in the movie, I could just not look. You can't look away when it's words on a page. And wow, that was awfully sad.

Btw, you were one of the reasons that I knew I had to see it. I'm so glad you were able to see it the second time, despite the stupid people in the audience.


pocky_slash March 27 2012, 12:47:24 UTC
I do remember Jai! She's still on my friendslist, in fact, and I hadn't read her review yet because I wanted to wait until I got a chance to see it myself. But that's kink of hilarious! I'M GLAD SHE HAS RIGHT OPINIONS ABOUT THE HUNGER GAMES.

Yeah, the books are really brutal and get progressively moreso. The last book is possibly the most intense, violent YA book I've ever read. It was FANTASTIC, but really brutal. BUT THEY'RE REALLY GOOD. OH MAN. I'm going to start a re-read like... tomorrow, probably. I MISS ALL THEIR FACES. I HAD FORGOTTEN HOW MUCH I LOVE EVERYONE.


chiasmus March 26 2012, 22:25:35 UTC
I keep meaning to update about it, but all of my feelings basically just degenerate into I LOVED IT SO MUCH, JENNIFER LAWRENCE IS PERFECT, ACTUALLY, PRETTY MUCH EVERYBODY IS PERFECT, KATNISS FEELS, CINNA FEELS, PEETA FEELS, RUE :( :( :( TEARS EVERYWHERE, and everything else that is fantastic.

Which is to say, I am full of feelings, but not coherence, so um, I'm essentially agreeing with everything in your post. Also, my friend Laura liked the movie a lot, thought it was easy to follow, and it made her want to read the books, so, yes, all the good things.

I really want to see it again, but I haven't decided when, since I'll probably go on a weekend and I'm trying to weigh my dislike of people versus my impatience to see it.


pocky_slash March 27 2012, 12:49:14 UTC
I know, it was SO HARD to make my feelings into works instead of just being like, "OH MY GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD I LOVE EEEEEEEEEVERYOOOOOOOOONEEEE!" Because I did and I do and I need to IMMEDIATELY RE-READ THE BOOKS because I had forgotten how precious they all are and how I want to shower them with hugs and love.

I will totally go with you to see it again, if you want! I can also only really do weekends what with working 9-5. And I hate people. So it will be a tricky course to navigate, but I have faith that we can work something out XD


chiasmus March 27 2012, 21:39:51 UTC
Yay! Oh wait, I am an idiot, because I don't know how you feel about eating after motion sick and you said not to before. XD At least I caught myself? Whatever, we will still see it and yay! EVERYONE'S FACES.


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