30 Days of Fanfic

Jul 07, 2011 21:12

Man, guys, I know I posted like, twenty times today, but I've been considering starting this meme for a few days now and likeadeuce was like, "I WOULD BE CURIOUS AS TO YOUR RESPONSES" which was, I guess, what I needed for my brain to kick over from "this would be self-indulgent" to "this would be self-indulgent but now I have an excuse."

Also, every time I ( Read more... )

jq, writing: meta, 30 days of fic, nicole

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Comments 11

likeadeuce July 8 2011, 01:42:07 UTC
Aww, yay, I am happy to be your excuse! And Inspector Gadget was the bomb.


pocky_slash July 8 2011, 03:09:02 UTC
I just saw that it's on instant! There are so many things on Instant that I want to watch! Thank god I have neither a job or the self-worth to leave the house! XD


likeadeuce July 8 2011, 03:11:37 UTC
Watch instant is like a MAGICAL TREASURE TROVE.

I'm watching Avatar: the Last Airbender right now.


coffeesuperhero July 8 2011, 02:33:05 UTC
When I was a kid I used to write fic in my head for EVERYTHING. Ducktales, the Babysitters Club, Sesame Street, the narrator my national geographic special about volcanoes, ANYTHING. #thesefandomconfessionsbroughttoyoubythisglassofrum



pocky_slash July 8 2011, 02:51:05 UTC
I MISS YOU GUYS TOO! <3 It blows so hard knowing you guys are out there, but a zillion miles away :(

I almost emailed you today, but it was in a fit of teary insanity and I talked myself down from it. ♥ ♥ ♥


pressdbtwnpages July 8 2011, 02:56:05 UTC
I think I am going to steal this meme!


pocky_slash July 8 2011, 03:09:16 UTC
Please do! :D


metonymy July 8 2011, 10:57:08 UTC


pocky_slash July 8 2011, 20:46:10 UTC
My parents were SO ANNOYED that there was little to no Inspector Gadget merchandise because when I was wee I was OBSESSED with it and would never stop talking about it, apparently XD


cb_eaglemaniac July 8 2011, 19:29:53 UTC
I used to write self-insert Star Wars/Dragonball Z/Escaflowne/Pokemon/anything-else-I-liked-at-the-time. And no, not in separate stories. They were insanely complex, plagiarising crossovers. I kept them in this giant-ass Five-Star binder that zipped up and I would never let anyone else read them...because they were that embarrassing.

I think, after about thirteen years, I finally burned them all last summer. You know, just in case I ever die unexpectedly in a car accident and someone stumbles across them and decides to read them at my funeral or something just to embarrass me. LOL

Anyway! I look forward to the rest of your answers (and yes, Inspector Gadget was A++++)!


pocky_slash July 8 2011, 20:52:30 UTC
Once I started writing stuff down, there was less self-insert? Or at least, I did it differently. In JQ fandom, there was this thing where we wrote like... behind-the-scenes stories about fic? Like, someone made up this fake teevee station where we all worked to make shows about the cast, and crazy things happened where we tormented Jonny and stuff like that. It was all really cracky and we knew it, but there was less Mary-Sue-ism, I guess? And then in Buffy fandom, I did some out-right self-insert that I would exchange with my middle school BFF. She was our Buffy and I was our Willow, so we wrote fic where I was Willow's cousin and she was Buffy's cousin and we came to visit Sunnydale for the summer, or one that I remember where all the Scoobies in our group switched places with the real Scoobies because of some spell. But even then I was self-aware enough that know that those were stories I could only share with her and our friends and not post to the archives and mailing lists I was a part of XD ( ... )


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