Title: The Joy of Cooking
(or Gwen and the Big Huge Cooking Fiasco)
Fandom: Torchwood
Characters: Gwen (+ her mum, Ianto and Jack, briefly, mentions of team)
Rating: PG13 for language
Length: ~6500
Summary: In which Gwen sets fires and puts them out, both metaphorically and literally.
Notes: For
amand_r in
tw_femficfest. HOPE YOU LIKE IT. MANY THANKS to
solsticezero who is the
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Comments 44
THIS IS GWEN'S LIFE. THIS IS SO GWEN'S LIFE. /laughing SO MUCH/ EPIC. All the little things - her phone calls with Ianto, which make me LAUGH, because Ianto describes Jack as if they're a married couple SO VERY MUCH, with the cupboards and "himself" and OH MY GOD THEY'RE BUSYBODY HOUSEWIVES, except that Gwen CAN'T COOK and her mistakes are RIDICULOUS not that I would do much better BUT WOW!
So much love. Topping it all off with her mother and the Weevil - the BLOODY HELL GWEN IS ON CRUTCHES WEEVIL - outstanding. :D /twirls/ Evening made. (And right after I finished my NaNoWriMo for the day (I KINDA CUT IT CLOSE), too - NICE timing; I needed that! :D)
Brilliant. JOYFUL and brilliant.
BUT SHE IS GOOD AT OTHER THINGS. Like kicking weevil ass!
I'm glad you liked the fic! It was fun to write! :D
Good cover at the end as well, but all that cleaning for nothing! Poor Gwen.
(Reading this was like watching the best sitcom ever. But better.)
But, oh, Gwen. Gwen is good at lots of things, cooking is just not among them.
Also, oh man, I wish Torchwood: The Sitcom was real. If it was, the dvd extras would include Jack's voicemail to Gwen about what kind of potatoes make the best mashed potatoes, Gwen's awkward explanation to Rhys about why they have no food and all their appliances are burnt, and Ianto and Jack's snippy argument about teevee that preceded Gwen's phone call XD
Anyway, I AM GLAD YOU LIKED THE STORY. Thank you for reading ♥
So, feel free to channel yourself through Jack at any time. Because, hilarious!
ALSO I WANT THAT VOICEMAIL. (And the rest of the extras. And the DVD box-set with the bonus plastic weevil and mini-frying pan)
I shall second the commenter above who remarked that THIS IS GWEN'S LIFE. Because it's true.
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
(Yes. Yes it is.)
I AM GLAD YOU LIKED IT. <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3!
Okay, that's not entirely true, I project on Ianto in every other story ever, but still! WHY SHOULD JACK EVER HAVE A TURN? NIGHT IS DAY AND DAY IS NIGHT! I DON'T KNOW WHO I AM ANYMORE!
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