things I hate

Jul 20, 2010 19:58

  • Everyone who has ever shopped at The Bookstore
  • People who's journal style is light-text-on-dark-background without default comment pages
  • PDT #3
  • My shoulder
  • Everyone who won't hire me
  • The Bookstore
  • Dreamwidth's inability to keep me logged in for more than two pages at a time
  • The noise in the other room
  • Scary bugs
  • All the things
INTERNET I ( Read more... )

work: bn, hp, white collar, tired, batshit insanity

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Comments 10

shoiryu July 21 2010, 00:09:19 UTC
remember when my internet went out and Ravenclaw Tower exploded and I was in agony? CAN I CLAIM THAT I AM AT LEAST MOSTLY PERSONALLY RESPONSIBLE FOR THIS?

Also, when I logged in to Anthony just to make sure he was secure, I'd forgotten his password, so it gave me a captcha. The phrase? "the misdeeds". LOVE.


pocky_slash July 21 2010, 00:21:11 UTC
You are totally responsible for this. But, jfc, still one of the best twists ever. WE SHOULD HAVE KNOWN, WHAT WITH THOSE LEADING QUESTIONS HE WAS ASKING PETER. Oh my god, it was hilarious. I kept trying to refresh my internet and Tara was on the phone trying to tell me what was going on--it was ridic. OH ANTHONY. He's still the evil turncoat genius of my heart XD And I still think of him every time I see Jamie Oliver.


_lullabelle_ July 21 2010, 00:19:15 UTC
People who's journal style is light-text-on-dark-background without default comment pages

Hahaha. Sorry.

WHITE COLLAR. I have popcorn. :D


pocky_slash July 21 2010, 00:23:29 UTC
It's okay, it's a temporary but seething hate until I do "style=mine" and then get caught up in the story and promptly forget until I go to read another story by the same author and the vicious cycle starts again. It's worst when people post multiple chapters of fic because then I have to do that EVERY TIME and if the story is only just mediocre, I give up on it.


Oh man, I hope it is White Collar O'clock soon. I need to go to bed.


mcwonthelottery July 21 2010, 00:19:22 UTC
I am flaily armed about White Collar and already writing love letters to Joe Henderson on twitter for writing this episode. It's going to superpain me to wait for a download tonight. FEJWIGAHEOIGJWAIJWA.


pocky_slash July 21 2010, 00:24:08 UTC
I AM NOT GOING TO TWEET THIS ONE, JUST FOR YOU. And also because I just plugged my adapter into the wall in the dining room and don't want to bring it to the living room again.


eljuno July 21 2010, 00:32:31 UTC
GOD I miss that game, sometimes.


pocky_slash July 21 2010, 00:45:19 UTC
I miss following it. There was never anything else quite like it.


_morning_glow July 21 2010, 03:22:08 UTC

I remember Cassie was sleeping or doing homework or something so I kept having to read as quickly as I could and then run out into the hall to tell you what was going on.

I ran right over to TWT/TIN too when we thought LJ was deleting inactive journals and that was a fun few hours of reminiscing.


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