a day.

Apr 18, 2009 19:42

Today I saw the MINI E in person. It is tiny and adorable and I will be very sad when I am approved to test drive it but have to turn them down because I can't afford it :\

I'm home now and, you know, trying to work up the will to do anything else.

Here is a song that popped up on my iPod today:

Ingrid Michaelson - Keep BreathingAt one point, I ( Read more... )

ingrid michaelson, music

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Comments 2

childminerva April 19 2009, 01:46:54 UTC
I love Ingrid Michaelson! Snagging the song...thanks ;)


priscellie April 20 2009, 22:41:28 UTC
I love that song! I have it on at least one fanmix.


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