oh god, it's so true...

Nov 26, 2008 19:07

One of our current in-store plays is Graceland. Best. In-store play. Ever.

Also, distracting.

Coworker: Kaitlyn, can I--
Kait: Wait, ssh, this is the best part!
Kait: Angels in the architecture, spinning in infinity... god, that's awesome.
Coworker: Okay...
Kait: ...oh my GOD, I'm turning into MY FATHER.

work: bn, paul simon, quotes, family stuff

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Comments 3

byandby November 27 2008, 02:54:06 UTC
Well, Graceland *is* an excellent album. I don't blame you.


sazeracs November 27 2008, 03:53:06 UTC
You Can Call me Al *IS* middle school to me.

Fuck, I love that song. <3


riverdresses November 27 2008, 08:44:44 UTC
Once Tori Amos' song Black-Dove (January) came on whilst I was shopping for art supplies. I DANCED A BIT IN THE AISLE I WAS IN. (twirly!Sunday, not Psychotic!Where!Are!The!Cops!Dancing!Sunday. :P)

& because I can't let the moment pass without saying it . . . LOLZ SEINFELD MOMENT. XD


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