14valentines Day 6: Motherhood

Feb 06, 2008 19:19

Today's 14valentines essay deals with motherhood. I know there are a lot of child-free people on my f-list, and I respect that, but what I can't respect are anti-mother and anti-child people. Even if it's not what you choose for yourself, I ask that you respect the fact that this is one of the miraculous things that our bodies can do, were made to do, and it's ( Read more... )

smitten, work: bn, olivia, books, 14valentines

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Comments 4

omgimnaked February 7 2008, 03:15:39 UTC
Dude, we read The Runaway Bunny in my advanced critical theory class and people were SO FUCKING CYNICAL about that book. They were like "well, the mother is overbearing and this and that" and I'm like FUCK YOU HEARTLESS ASSHOLES JUST TRYING TO LOOK COOL IN CLASS, THAT BOOK WAS FREAKING SWEET.



pocky_slash February 7 2008, 03:53:03 UTC
I love that one too! My boss thinks it's overplayed, though, and hates it and I'm always kind of lamely defending it. BUT I LOVE IT SO MUCH!


krabapple February 7 2008, 03:39:00 UTC
I haven't read a lot of these! It's exciting to have new children's books to read . . . even if I don't have any to read them to anymore. *sigh*

I'm trying to think of some of my favorites, as one does, and of course have drawn a blank. I do like Angelina, but I also have that really weird thing about adoring anthropomorphic fictional rodents, so there is that. Ahem. Also in the anthropomorphic fictional rodent category (and the women/feminist one) I also like some of Kevin Henkes work, like Lily's Purple Plastic Purse and Sheila Rae the Brave (I can't quite remember the title of that one.). Are You My Mother? is a classic. (First book I ever remember reading by myself.) True fax.

Uh, again, drawing a blank. I love The Runaway Bunny and so do the children. I love reading that book at school to very small children, especially if they've never been to school before, because they just LOVE the fact that the mom always finds the bunny, and they LOVE looking for the bunnies in the pictures. For tiny ones it's such a great ( ... )


pocky_slash February 7 2008, 03:52:27 UTC
I went back and forth between putting Lily's Purple Plastic Purse on the list because I love it so much and I totally have had ridiculous admiration for teachers like that. In the end, I ended up cutting it in favor of A Case of the Stripes and now I'm kind of wishing I had kept it on. I do love that one.

Re: Runaway Bunny: I love that one so much and used to beg my mom to read it to us, but my boss is always saying it's over played and boring and how she doesn't like it that much, etc. And I just do not understand that! It's so beautiful and sweet!

I really, really want to get out of B&N, but at the same time, I'm going to miss the kids' books when I go. Tons and tons.


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