let's chat! v. 2.0

Jul 11, 2007 22:17

So, I had a job interview today, saw miseryloves_ and Seb, got stuck in the rain, and came home exhausted. Finishing my productivity today is like pulling teeth, but I'm bored.

Let's chat!

How are you, f-list? What's shaking?

let's chat!

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Comments 27

sillyg July 12 2007, 02:28:29 UTC
I hate this job searching crap. It's depressing and I feel like I never get any call backs. :( How are you handling the job hunt?


pocky_slash July 12 2007, 02:32:28 UTC
I'm actually getting better as more of my friends get jobs, if that makes any sense. I was so depressed at the beginning of the summer, and ever since Steven got his job, I've been feeling a little better about it. Plus, everyone is just so freaking nice, you know? I saw Seb and Stephanie today and they were both like, "ENJOY YOUR LIFE YOU'RE AWESOME YOU'LL DO FINE!" and it made me really happy.

I've got some nice things coming up--the last HP book, going to Toronto, seeing some friends--and that's kind of distracting me from things, too.

Plus, it's summer, so in my head I never really graduated and in September, things will go back to normal. So, I guess, ask me again in two months? And i'll probably be a wreck XD


sillyg July 12 2007, 03:55:24 UTC
Yeah, I gave notice at my waitressing job today. My last day is July 30th. I'm going to move somewhere and find a job. I can't take this long distance job hunting anymore. It's killing me and I'm getting no where.

Aside from the job depression, how's life? What have you been up to? What was the interview for today? I'm stuck on the collapse prompt from yesterday but am otherwise caught up for itsproductivity.

I want some new TWW fic. I'm starting to scrap the bottom of the barrel in terms of finding writers I haven't found before.


pocky_slash July 12 2007, 04:46:16 UTC
Life is okay. I mostly sit around doing nothing. I might be going to visit scrollgirl in a few weeks. Maybe Steven is coming over Friday. My life is pretty boring. Today's interview was for a copy editing job that I didn't really want. I had a lot of trouble with the collapse prompt, too, even though I ended up writing two things for it. Neither of them were what I wanted to write, but more vague ideas that I sort of had. I still want to write a story where Radek gives Elizabeth a ridiculous present to make Rodney and John's lives hell.

I haven't actively read TWW fic in awhile. I mean, I read what people on my f-list write, but I haven't gone in search for stuff since I left JDTalk and JDFanfic. Plus, these days I read weird, rarepairs that no one but me writes. Or, well, Scroll does too. But still. I'll still read things that look interesting if they pop up on tww_full_lid, though.


cheshireempress July 12 2007, 02:30:42 UTC
Well, I've decided not to feel guilty about writing bandslash because it actually has me writing again, and that's kind of monumental.

I'm also wondering when would be a good time to go see the new HP movie, or if I want to see it at all. Relatedly, I'm debating whether or not to reread Book Six before Deathly Hallows comes out.

Meanwhile, I am being an utter slacker in terms of real life, and hoping that I don't get fired for it, because right now I really can't bring myself to care that much about anything. *sigh* At least fandom is not failing me, because Real Life kind of is.


pocky_slash July 12 2007, 02:35:54 UTC
Yeah, I think the writing part is the important part. Plus, with bandslash it's like, everyone's doing it? I used to be really uptight about RPS because I had some weird experiences with the Rent variety, but it's soooo widespread at this point that... I guess it's not as weird as it once was? I dunno. Don't feel guilty about it!

I like the HP movies (at least, three and four) because... I dunno. They're fun? I think the secret is to not expect a direct adaptation of the books. Go in with only the movie canon in mind and stuff. (And I, personally, am not re-reading HBP, mostly because I've got waaaaay too much other stuff to do.)

RL is lame. Srsly. I wish there was a way to do fandom fulltime and shun RL. I would watch SO MUCH MORE TEEVEE*.

* Except not really, because I'm unemployed right now and thus watch teevee about twenty-four hours a day.


cheshireempress July 12 2007, 03:14:04 UTC
Ugh, yes, I've seen Cats RPS that squicked the heck out of me. I think it's a difference of degree, too-- I'm a lot cooler with it when it's widestream musicians or actors than I am for smaller things like theatre.

*nods* I'll probably go see it, and it'll be better, probably, since it's the first four books that I read to pieces, and five and six not so much. I probably OUGHT to reread HBP, because I'm not even sure if I remember all of it, but I doubt I will.

And, yeah. RL is totally lame. I mean, I'm a teacher, so I'm technically off for the summer? But I'm supposed to be doing lesson plans and stuff, and I have absolutely ZERO motivation. *sigh*


pocky_slash July 12 2007, 03:27:10 UTC
I just don't understand why people would even feel the need to slash little guys like some of these kids are. I mean, really? Really? It sort of confuses me. (Plus, the most hilariously bad Rent RPS I've ever read was a person from the current (at the time) B'way cast/a person from the original cast and the two had (as far as I know, I'll ask sometime) NEVER EVEN MET. I mean, how do you go from, "Hey, A and B have great chemistry on stage together! I'll write RPS!" to "Hey, A and B have NEVER EVEN MET but they are clearly in love!"

But yeah, really gay famous people? I'm sekritly behind that. Oh, RSL and Ethan Hawke, you're so gay for each other.

My dad's a teacher now and he also teaches at the fire academy during the summer, so he's been all kind of busy and totally ignoring his middle school kids for next year. hehehe, oops. I'm killing myself trying to find a job because... really? Really? Why aren't I awesome enough to be employed?


inocciduous July 12 2007, 02:41:44 UTC
Well, I got off work an hour early, which is always excellent in my book. Also there was this awesome double rainbow after the storm, which is happyness.

Other than that, I'm staring at my


pocky_slash July 12 2007, 02:50:11 UTC
Rainbows are awesome! In the non-gay way! (And in the gay was as well, I suppose, but as this is a non-gay rainbow, I thought I would specify ( ... )


inocciduous July 12 2007, 03:04:51 UTC
OOOOOOOh let's all watch Jen fail at html! *g*

I have this thing where I get the first really good bit of my story all out on paper ... and then that's it. Grr. I will write this, I will I will I will. :)

Hey, interview experience is excellent. I wish I knew what copy editing meant lol.

Yay for seeing friends! That's always fun and a for-sure good time.

Also, I have excellent blueberry and peach tea that's making me all kinds of happy.


pocky_slash July 12 2007, 03:31:27 UTC
Hehehehe, that's okay, I fail at HTML all the time. Oh man.

Gah, it's closer to midnight now and I STILL haven't written anything. I thought maybe coming into the other room would inspire me, but all it's done is made me put on Futurama and be distracted. I don't even have a prompt picked out for today. Oh man. I suck. TWO SCENE KAITLYN. TWO SCENES. And a re-write because John isn't that much of a girl.

Copy editing is just like... fixing grammar and editing sentences for clarity and putting punctuation marks in and crap like that. It's supposed to be purely for objective-type things, but I start editorializing when I copy edit and... yeah, it gets bad. I'm not at all godd at it.

One of my friends I hadn't seen in such a long time and it was just... I'm going to post about it eventually, when I feel like posting again, but... it was so incredibly great to see him. It made me so happy. And I saw him before he saw me, so I just kind of watched him for a few minutes and... yeah. Awww. Everyone loves him ♥ (Im such a girl.Tea is good! ( ... )


twentyfivepast July 12 2007, 02:54:21 UTC
Oh hay! Today I worked, which was boring as always, but I found out that I am second in line to move up to being an LSA, which is when you get to check out books and also spend a lot of time sitting down and not pushing carts around and putting away books for hours, which is what I do now. I'M PRETTY JAZZED.

Also, on Mondays, there's this cute guy on my bus, right? And I'm kind of getting up the courage to talk to him and stuff (lol lame) and today I was putting away a book, and I was reading what it was about and stuff, and the author? Looks exactly like him, only about 20 years older. It is so fucking bizarre.

Also also, I have a new History Boys icon and new Achewood and dwseason4 to read. The last episode was a cliffhanger, so I'm super jazzed. *\o/*


pocky_slash July 12 2007, 03:05:13 UTC
That's awesome! Upward mobility is always good! And I'm much more in favor of sitting than I am pushing a cart around. In high school I worked as a page at my local library and... yeah. oh my god. Shelf reading. What EVEN?

It's weird that you say that, because today on the subway I swear to god the girl sitting across from me was this girl I was in love with freshman year. Like, I totally, completely fell hard for this girl whose name I barely knew. She sat next to me in CSW I. And I would have sworn that her older sister was sitting across from me.

I AM IN FAVOR OF THE HISTORY BOYS. Srsly. Oh man. Oh, boarding school boys. I will always love you.


twentyfivepast July 12 2007, 04:27:23 UTC
I totally don't even mind the shelfreading, because I just grab a stool and zone out while I do it, but the shelving gets crazy monotonous after a while. Plus the library's really overcrowded, so. I notice myself getting more and more apathetic about putting books, you know, WHERE THEY'RE SUPPOSED TO GO, rather than on the same shelf somewhere, which is so not good. Oops.

MAYBE it's, like, some kind of doppelganger day. Friday the 13th is coming up? IDK, that's really the best explanation I can think of.

OH HISTORY BOYS. BOYS BOYS BOYS. Also, that is who else he reminded me of! He's got cheekbones and shit kind of like Sam B. Of whom I have no icons. D: I only have Dakin/Irwin icons. WHAT DOES THAT SAY ABOUT ME.


piratej July 12 2007, 03:03:41 UTC
I'm a little cranky and I want a job already.

I had two interviews on Monday. Two! I definitely didn't get one of the jobs (5th grade) cause they hired some guy (stupid guy) and I bet I didn't get the other job (Kindergarten) because I totally flubbed one of my answers during the interview (argh).

Anyway, the cranky is because I'm still in limbo and that's NOT GOING WELL. Hi, I'm PirateJ and I hate uncertainty.

Other than that, I'm watching dead people shows probably more than is healthy.


pocky_slash July 12 2007, 03:07:37 UTC
Me too, re:... well, both things, actually.

I'm kind of mellowing out about the job thing for the moment, but I know I'll start panicking once September hits and it really hits me that I don't have anywhere to go. Today was my first in-person interview so far. Blah. I don't know what these people want. I swear I'm awesome! They just need to give me a chance!

And dead people shows... oh man. My brother is going to kill me if he catches me watching any more L&O (of any variety). He throws fits whenever he comes into the room and sees me watching it.


piratej July 12 2007, 03:20:33 UTC
I feel that way, too, re: me being awesome. But it's hard to distinguish yourself when there's approximately nine kajillion people applying for the same job. Those interviews were the first ones I've had this summer. Everyone I talk to is all, "Oh, things will pick up in August!". Which, I know. But sit-around-and-do-nothing is not a viable plan for the next month, so I'm trying to keep busy applying out of state and whatnot.

I try to limit my watching, but I get bored. Of course, I walked into the den earlier, where my dad goes, "Hi there! I'm watching a dead people show!", so my family is pretty much feeding my addiction.


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