attn: scrollgirl

May 24, 2007 22:06

Did I write a ficlet somewhere in the comments of your journal wherein Lit!professor!Sam Facebook pokes writing!professor!Will in some strange courting ritual and Toby yells at him for using Facebook? Because I swear I wrote this, but I can't find it in any of my Academic!!AU files and I don't know where else to look ( Read more... )

writing: ideas, teevee, avenue q, fic: tww, theatre, i love this icon, tww

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Comments 4

scrollgirl May 25 2007, 04:09:04 UTC
AHA!! I'm actually surprised I found it. But thankfully I don't delete most of the LJ comments emailed to my Yahoo account, and the search popped up this :D

(And, as much as Josh/Donna is my OTP, there is Josh/Amy in this story and I think Amy's reaction to Josh's Facebook indiscretions would be hilarious.)
Yes!! I remember that! Oh man, I loved that bit, on top of everything else which I ADORED, because I'm more of a Josh/Amy 'shipper. But yes, please do continue the academic!AU. For it is shiny and adorable and full of glee!


pocky_slash May 25 2007, 05:17:30 UTC
I knew I wrote that for real! Thank you! ♥

(I keep doing ♥ even though Firefox for OSX doesn't display it as a character. It's tragic.)

I really like this AU. Everything just fits so nicely into the college setting. Maybe it's because I've spent the past two years being embroiled in student government insanity and crazy administrative scandals, but it's so weird and cutthroat and I can totally see them all tied up in their little college campus world (Because when you're in college, your campus really IS like your own little town or state or country).

And they'd all make adorable absent minded professors. And they fit into their roles so well! And... yes. Um. Anyway. I like this little universe XD


inocciduous May 25 2007, 12:53:20 UTC
Hehe, I think academic!AU with facebook is awesome. Cause facebook is crack, and Will and would be distracted by it and Toby would go into fits over it. Hee!

Also? The fact that you're writing me birthday fic is SOO nice! I'm incredibly excited and suchness!! :) *mwah!*


pocky_slash May 25 2007, 18:26:58 UTC
I know professors who are totally, hopelessly addicted to Facebook, even though they claim it's stupid, and I can totally see all of the TWW crew behaving that way (especially Josh!) and I'm so excited to write it. This is becoming my favourite AU I've ever written (thus surpassing my sekrit SGA au that takes place at a college newspaper office that might sort of maybe resemble one that I worked at for three years. ::shifty eyes::)

Re: Birthday fic: Don't thank me yet, it's awful. LIke, it's completely mushy and ridiculous and maudlin and nothing happens. I can't remember how to write boring stories with Danny and Alan anymore! I was so tied up in my stupid dramatic senior project that I can't remember how things like, "And then Danny and Alan bought curtains" go! Gah!


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