fic meme! high on painkillers fic meme!

Apr 14, 2007 20:24

Okay, so this is how this is going to go.

1. I am high on painkillers
2. For the next two days I will do this meme
3. Comment with a fandom and/or pairing
4. Including a prompt (word, theme, quote, lyric, etc)
5. I will write you at least two sentences of fic based on pairing + prompt
6. I will do so while high on painkillersGuys, this is going to ( Read more... )

weee drugs, meme, ford/michael, fic: sga, fic: original, writing, dinosaurs, mckay/sheppard, fic: house

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Comments 11

quackerscooper April 15 2007, 02:44:10 UTC
God, you leave yourself so open to these things.

Fandom: SGA; Character: John Sheppard; Prompt: High as a kite.


pocky_slash April 15 2007, 03:09:38 UTC
"Look," John said, leaning his head back on the lab table, "It's not that I don't like you." He really didn't like talking about, you know, feelings and stuff, but Katie was a talker and she wouldn't stop asking him questions. He really just wanted to lean back and enjoy, you know ( ... )


quackerscooper April 15 2007, 03:38:17 UTC
That's hilarious. I think this is my favorite part:

"Rodney likes veal too much."

That's just such a non-sequiter. Unless you're implying that Katie is one of those weepy vegetarians. Which, actually, seems to fit her very well, now that I think about it...


pocky_slash April 15 2007, 19:42:45 UTC
YES. Yes, that is exactly exactly it. alex and I talk about it a lot, how, you know, she's probably a crazy veggie and will hate Rodney forever the first time he eats chicken in front of her. AND IT WILL BE TRAGIC except not.


sillyg April 15 2007, 03:21:00 UTC
CSI: Miami, Calleigh/Horatio,

"Well your faith was strong but you needed proof, you saw her bathing on the roof, Her beauty and the moonlight overthrew you..." (Hallelujah, Jeff Buckley)


pocky_slash April 15 2007, 03:24:05 UTC
I don't watch CSI: Miami! Sorry! I could make something up, but it probably wouldn't make any sense!


psyfalcon April 15 2007, 04:05:37 UTC
What could be better than... Dinosaurs? Like Wild Dinosaurs? Like a Trex and a Stegosaurus? On Percocet?



pocky_slash April 15 2007, 19:51:47 UTC
"RRRRRRAAAAAAARRR!" said T-Rex. That was his way of saying hi to the Stegosaurus who was hanging out at the park.

"Hi!" The Stegosaurus talked normally. "What's up?"

"I'm really hungry!" said the T-Rex.

"Man, that sucks!" said the Stegosaurus. He was kind of nervous, because he knew that sometimes T-Rex ate other dinosaurs. Sometimes he ate chicken fingers, though, and sometimes he ate those chicken fingers that were in dinosaur shapes. "I have some popcorn in my bag!"

"I don't want popcorn," said T-Rex. "I think I want..." Stegosaurus hoped he didn't say "stegosaurus." "Chicken fingers!"

So they had chicken fingers for dinner!


moonsheen April 15 2007, 05:16:30 UTC
Michael/Ford, white picket fence, happy family of adopted horrible mutant babies...


pocky_slash April 15 2007, 20:16:20 UTC
They next met Ford on what Rodney had taken to calling "Bizarro World."

And that was before they met Ford.

They had actually been combing the galaxy for Michael and his army of super creepy mutant bugs. John had tried again and again to get some other team assigned to bug duty, but they figured that since his team had the most experience dealing with the things, they would be the best to seek them out. Rodney had protested, vehemently and John had added his own whine voice to the protest, but not even when Ronon got in on it did they gain any ground. (John held that if Teyla had started to whine they would totally not have to do it, but Teyla refused to lower herself to that level.)

Bizarro World (aka P55-L21) was the sixth world they went to in search of Michael. Rodney's immediate reaction was, "What the hell?" Ronon and Teyla were signifigantly more laid back, but then again, John had a feeling that had something to do with them having never seen an episode of Leave it to Beaver"It's... a house," John said. He took his ( ... )


oninobara April 16 2007, 02:21:40 UTC
3. House.
4. Theft (and use!) of House's medication.

However, my favorite drabble so far has to be the uniformed Wraith-children.


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