Title: Drag Queen (Aka - 5 times Inoo and Takaki went shopping together + 1 time they went out in drag)
Author: Ritsu (
Pairing: None
Rating: PG
Summary: Uh...*points title*
Disclaimer: This work is purely fiction.
Warnings: Divas
A/N: Beta'd by
shimizumiki <3
Finally wrote this for
hotfruits and the
Inoo-thon. (
I want your bad romance~ )
Comments 27
LOVE IT!!!! ♥
Thank you for reading!
this takaki is fun takaki! love him! it's a nice change from the other takakis i last read, kinda refreshing :D i love all your takakis ♥
and JUMP should do more official crossdressing fanservice!
fanfic does not suffice~ :S
besides, isn't crossdressing part of johnny's job description XD
And I'm glad you like him. I will admit, I spend the most time developing him over any of the others so. 8DDD
THEY REALLY SHOULD. xD I mean... idk, Yamada and Takaki could potentially make verrrry pretty girls.
oh, yamada and takaki will make very pretty girls indeed..
also inoo..have you watched takizawa's strawberry on the shortcake? i swear, the semi-lead actress looked soooo much like his teen self...it was like the 16/17/18 year old him went back to 2001 just to make that drama xD
i liked the “Gawd, Kei-chan, you're an idol, not an ancient professor.” Takaki grabbed his shoulders and steered him in to the nearest store. “We're going to fix all your problems.” - i can totally imagine this. =))
I'm glad you liked it. ♥ 8D It was a fun, silly piece.
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