Title: Inspire (Chinen's)
Author: Ritsu (
Pairing: None/Sort of Ohno Satoshi x Chinen Yuuri (in the strictly friendship/fanboy sense.)
Rating: PG
Summary: Chinen doesn't just fanboy Onho, he has a special sort of admiration for the man who has inspired him since Chinen debuted with JUMP.
Disclaimer: This work is purely fiction.
Warnings: Chinen in tears...?
A/N: Beta'd by
shimizumiki <3
This is the eighth one-shot in a self proclaimed challenge (which is to write a fic for each member. Using words off my desktop wallpaper, which is a pretty heart made out of words. 8D) Next up is Inoo~ ♥
Chinen Yuuri knew exactly how people saw him in relation to Ohno Satoshi. A completely and utterly crazed fanboy.
He knew exactly why they thought that and yes, they did have their reasons for it. Plenty of them.
But they didn't understand it at all. They didn't understand fully what Ohno meant to Chinen. Ohno was Chinen's inspiration, a reminder of everything he wanted to become.
He remembered the first instant he'd come to love Ohno as something more then just an idol. No, he didn't love Ohno romantically, that was just...yeah, no. But to him, Ohno was a role model, a star in the sky to guide him. He remembered back then, how it had been.
13 year old Chinen ran until he couldn't breathe, hiding from all the glares, the snide remarks, the hatred. “It's not my fault...It's not my fault.” He sobbed, teardrops sliding down his cheek as he curled up on a couch in one of the various costume rooms, somewhere he'd be alone, at least for a while. He couldn't stop crying, trembling as small chokes and sobs escaped him.
He didn't like this. He'd been happy, but now he hated it. He didn't like people hating him for what had happened. He hadn't thought it would happen either! Why did this have to change everything?
Hey!Say!JUMP was bumbling, awkward. They didn't know how to act around each other anymore. Yabu and Hikaru were dealing with an alienated Shoon and Taiyou and seemed to hate every other member, just for that. The rest of BEST was going through much the same and Chinen knew it was hardest on Takaki, who had a freshly broken heart.
7 wasn't much better. Everyone felt completely awkward around Keito and his British Japanese. Ryutarou was overly shy, even if they were friends. Yamada and Yuto kept to themselves.
Chinen felt lonely and helpless, too sensitive to bear it on his own and he didn't have Yuto, like Yamada did. He cried, curling up, feeling like the black hole in his chest was going to consume him.
“Ah...I thought I'd heard you....Chinen-kun, shh....” A soft voice sounded amidst Chinen's crying and he nearly fell to the floor in his surprise. Not only had someone found him, but someone he knew the instant he heard the voice.
Ohno stood in the doorway, a small smile of sympathy on his lips. “Hey, hey.” He shh'd Chinen again, crossing the space to the couch and pulling Chinen into a warm, firm hug. “It's okay...”
“It's...it's not okay...” Chinen sobbed. “Th-they hate me...”
“It's okay.” Ohno repeated, gently stroking the small boy's hair. “It's okay...”
Ohno stayed there, letting Chinen just cry on him until he was all cried out, exhausted from the emotional outburst. He finally pulled away and Ohno gently wiped away the tears. “S-sorry...” He muttered, embarrassed that of all people Ohno had found him crying. Ohno just smiled, shaking his head.
“Don't be...We can't help it.” Ohno ruffled his hair. “It'll be rough on all of you for a while...but things'll smooth out, I promise you.”
“R-really...?” Chinen sniffed. He couldn't imagine anything else besides how horrid things were.
Nodding, Ohno leaned back against the couch, musing softly. “I remember how tough it was when we debuted...” He nodded. “There was a lot of hate, frustration, backstabbing.” Ohno rubbed his cheek, reflecting back on it. “Jun ended up in tears nearly every day.”
“Y-yeah?” Chinen wiped at his eyes again, peeking up to meet his senpai's gaze.
“Just remember, Chinen-kun~” Ohno said kindly, smiling as he leaned over to ruffle Chinen's hair. “It always gets worse before it gets better...and in the end, they don't matter... Only this does.” Ohno gently poked Chinen's chest, right where his heart was beating. “So do what you want to do, because you want to do it...and don't worry about anyone who doesn't like it.”
Within moments, Ohno had walked out the door, leaving Chinen's heart thudding without any reason.
Since that day, Chinen's admiration for Ohno had tripled, though most didn't think that was possible. Chinen used Ohno as a guide, a roadmap, a northern star. When things got bad, he'd just turn on his Arashi music and remember all the things Ohno had said to him that fateful day.
It wasn't easy and he certainly still liked Ohno in a more then creepy way.
But the way things were turning out...he was okay with them. It was hard, things just couldn't seem to settle down, but he would just square his shoulders, lift his chin, and walk on.
A/N: I have gotten so behind on this challenge. xD The freaking rarepair anonmeme came up and I've already written like....five fics and I still have two more. I'm such a freaking fic whore. Oh well. Inoo's is going to be so hard....