writing chat thingy o'clock!

Jan 21, 2011 19:56

Hello, all. It is time for WRITING CHAT THINGY. As I have taken to calling it. For those who are new around these parts, it's a group chat where we share prompts to write fifteen minute ficlets. If you haven't come before but want to try it out, don't be afraid to stop by ( Read more... )

writing: chats

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[avenues of escape] - Bliss - Sherlock (BBC) - Sherlock/John pre-slash-y lizzledpink January 22 2011, 01:43:30 UTC
By the fifth time this happens, John has already fallen into a room.

He returns to find his roommate sprawled upon the couch, loose-limbed, his eyes closed and his breathing even. He always checks, because sometimes Sherlock just has a few nicotine patches strapped to his arm, and other times there is nothing at all out of order - Sherlock might even be asleep.

One time he tried to ignore Sherlock, because he wanted ignorance. He didn't want to see what Sherlock was doing, but it was useless; John was a doctor and Sherlock was so obviousHe's used to this by now. He knows better than to argue or try to change the circumstances. He knows: he can't ( ... )


Re: [avenues of escape] - Bliss - Sherlock (BBC) - Sherlock/John pre-slash-y lizzledpink January 22 2011, 01:49:19 UTC
John has fallen into a ROUTINE, not a room.



Re: [avenues of escape] - Bliss - Sherlock (BBC) - Sherlock/John pre-slash-y noirrosaleen March 1 2011, 06:35:47 UTC
...but oh, the ways that could be twisted, my dear... ^_^


Re: [avenues of escape] - Bliss - Sherlock (BBC) - Sherlock/John pre-slash-y inocciduous January 22 2011, 02:12:37 UTC
Aw! I don't know anything about Sherlock but this is sad and heartrending!


Re: [avenues of escape] - Bliss - Sherlock (BBC) - Sherlock/John pre-slash-y scifiangel January 22 2011, 15:35:17 UTC
So Sad and yet beautiful how John see Sherlock. Well done.


Re: [avenues of escape] - Bliss - Sherlock (BBC) - Sherlock/John pre-slash-y metonymy January 22 2011, 16:15:32 UTC
"This is a good smile"

Oh, OW. Excellent.


Re: [avenues of escape] - Bliss - Sherlock (BBC) - Sherlock/John pre-slash-y noirrosaleen March 1 2011, 06:36:18 UTC


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