Happy Halloween! :D

Oct 31, 2010 15:58

We are back from the party! My head is full of snot! We had a good time ( Read more... )

meme, halloween

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solsticezero October 31 2010, 20:28:03 UTC
If you do zombie makeup, I demand pictures. Zombie Ianto. (You were Ianto, right? I didn't dream that?)



pocky_slash October 31 2010, 21:07:42 UTC
Nope, I was totally girl!Ianto! There are pictures in the next post!


Ianto was frowning when he came back down to the Hub atrium.

"It's barely nine pm," he muttered. "They should not be throwing eggs yet, and they certainly shouldn't be doing it on the Plass."

"The tourist office is hardly on the Plass," Gwen said.

"Near enough," Ianto said. "That's where they are now, running around in their hoodies and monster masks, causing a ruckus. We should call the police on them."

"You sound about seventy years old," Gwen said. "It's Halloween! Let them have our fun. We can have ours." She gestured towards the monitor, which displayed a still frame from Night of the Living Dead. Gwen has paused it when Ianto rushed upstairs to clean up the egg smeared all over the tourist office door ( ... )


solsticezero October 31 2010, 23:01:30 UTC
HA PERFECT OMG. I am all for using the invisible lift for evil.

Also, I saw the pictures! You make a lovely girl!Ianto! And that file folder was familiar! :D


dremiel November 1 2010, 00:00:55 UTC


lizzledpink November 9 2010, 03:19:59 UTC
Oh, God. YES. THIS. Abuse of alien technology win!


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