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Axis Powers Hetalia pocky_slash October 15 2010, 04:20:43 UTC
Flamboyant gourmand gains powerful friends and proves himself useless.


I don't even know what this is ladyofthelog October 15 2010, 09:59:25 UTC
"Sorry, Britain," Japan said, tossing her hair. "We don't want to hang out with you anymore."

"But--!" protested Britain, his shoulders slumping.

Germany looked away from his friend, who had hosted so many of their dinner parties. "I'm sorry, mein lieblingmuffin. But we can get Marmite from anywhere these days. And," his voice dropped to a whisper, "I don't actually like puddings. Or curry."

Tears had begun to well in Britain's eyes, dripping onto his snappy army uniform with its fashionable short-shorts.

Italy picked that moment to sashay into the room, carrying a large ceramic bowl. "Pasta for everyone!" Then she saw Britain, and scrunched her nose. "But not for this one. Pfff."

Britain went home and cried a lot. Then he wrote a long letter to his best friend, Sweden. Maybe they could go to Ikea and pick out some new curtains for his flat together. That always made him feel better.

He could get the meatballs with lingonberry jam.


Re: I don't even know what this is timeofchange October 15 2010, 16:23:20 UTC
Hahahahahaha! Also, thanks for linking to this fest. I can't stop laughing.


Re: I don't even know what this is daegaer October 17 2010, 09:05:40 UTC
*weeps with laughter* Perfect, just perfect :-)


I May Have Just Insulted the Entire Internet insomniac_tales October 16 2010, 03:42:37 UTC
I really, absolutely don't know. I'm sorry if I've just insulted the entire internet.

France turned to America "Why do we never get along?"

America shrugged. "I don't get along with anybody, though there are glaring historical inaccuracies in this project and this entire idea is a bit..."

"Off-kilter?" finished Germany with a flourish. "We meet again America."

Russia comes in flanked by China, both are wearing red and carrying little flags and little red cook books in tribute to Eddie Izzard. "We claim the internets with this flag. There will be no more flaming hatred for our fandom in rpland."

"Good luck with that," Sweden cried. After watching the European Song Competition which-actual-title-has-escaped-my-grasp-and-I-am-too-lazy-too-look-it-up Sweden was sad a lot lately. Not even his true love affair with Denmark could make it better.

Switzerland came in with chocolate and said "oh forget everything. Let's just eat some chocolate and forget how horrible it is that I stereotyped myself by bringing you all chocolate."


Have Some Maps insomniac_tales October 16 2010, 11:53:26 UTC
A friend sent me this link to an article about the European Union and it's a very interesting think-piece about "fear of the other." It also includes some pretty hysterical/horrible maps that illustrate that fear clearly.

It reminded me of Hetalia for some reason and I thought I'd share the link to it here.


Re: I May Have Just Insulted the Entire Internet queenfanfiction October 16 2010, 22:17:08 UTC



Re: I May Have Just Insulted the Entire Internet insomniac_tales October 16 2010, 23:08:33 UTC

I have never seen an episode, but some of my friends fangirl all over it. Apparently there was a contestant one year who reminded everyone of Glambert (who I also only know about through fandom friends).

Why thank you. :D


Re: I May Have Just Insulted the Entire Internet daegaer October 17 2010, 09:06:21 UTC


Re: Axis Powers Hetalia salienne October 16 2010, 07:39:21 UTC
One day, Britain and America were walking through a beautiful little park holding hands. They turned to one another.

"Our relationship," Britain said, "I'm not sure how special we can keep it. What with the economy and the war and-"

America grabbed Britain and shoved their lips together, and they proceeded to have hot, rough, yet beautiful, sex.


Re: Axis Powers Hetalia daegaer October 17 2010, 09:07:43 UTC
Hee hee hee!


Has Korea been introduced yet? I can't remember which one he is... lilian_cho October 16 2010, 20:53:51 UTC
Japan: "At the risk of promoting my own industry, I have the most efficient cars in the world."

China: "I hate you aru! Buying Japanese products would be unpatriotic of me aru! [insert Asian NYAH emoticon here]" *buys Korean cars instead*

Japan: "...(~_~)"

Korea: "Japan, I hate you too (>_>). Our boy bands are totally prettier than yours."

China: "Oh, Korea, I want more of your dramas, aru. They make me cry rivers of tears~"

Japan: "...I have drama series too."

Taiwan: "It's alright, Japan. I like you a lot. (^_^)"

Japan: "Taiwan..." *is quietly touched*

Taiwan: "After all, I made lots of money from that TV adaptation of Hana Yori Dango."


Re: Has Korea been introduced yet? I can't remember which one he is... queenfanfiction October 16 2010, 22:17:39 UTC
Oh good God this is actually scarily accurate, the relationship between Japan and Taiwan xD


Re: Has Korea been introduced yet? I can't remember which one he is... lilian_cho October 16 2010, 22:42:20 UTC

Taiwan (and HK and Vietnam) = females?

Is Taiwan a normal character?


Re: Has Korea been introduced yet? I can't remember which one he is... queenfanfiction October 18 2010, 01:21:49 UTC
I have no idea since I'm also not a member of this fandom, but I was referring to the RL relationship between Taiwan and Japan XD Good job, btw!


And I know so little about this one that I didn't know that it wasn't just called "Hetalia." golden_bastet October 19 2010, 02:44:50 UTC
"All your debt are belong to us," said China.

"Hey, that's my line!" said Japan.

"Don't send yer black helicopters and yer You-nited Nations over here!" bellowed American.

"It's your fault we're in this mess, anyway," all the countries said in unison.

And then they had a summit.


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