still fishing!

Aug 07, 2007 19:26

Safely at speccygeekgrrl and p33ner's apartment, where I may be soon taking a nap because I am exhausted. They have wireless, though, so I might post little updates over the next couple of days. Mostly, though, I brought 32o948u90234890234909odikl908 dvds, and they are interested in both SGA and Eureka, so there may be much teevee watching.

But thought I'd check in. Also, thought I'd post a fic meme.

yet another fic meme i'll hopelessly try to complete at some point in the future
The "Five Things" meme! You post giving me a prompt such as "Five Reasons Will Bailey Never Got Rid of That Tie" or "Five Ways John Sheppard Customized His Favourite Puddlejumper" or "Five Things Remus Lupin Did Before Leaving Hogwarts" and I will try to write them for you. It will be awesome. For you. Maybe for me, too.

Anyway, you know, my usual fandoms and whatever. Check out my profile for more.

meme, solo roadtrip of awesome!

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