[One-shot] I knew you were trouble

Jun 05, 2013 19:09

I knew you were trouble
MSM - Iwamoto/Watanabe
1025 words, PG-13, High School!AU
It didn't take Iwamoto long to figure out that Watanabe was trouble.

[Notes]So this is another thing from Daybreaker (I think I have two more things to post after this?) and I really liked this one ;o; Idk, I like HS AUs and it's been ages but I love NabeSho and I REALLY SHOULD WATCH BBJ sob. Anyway, there's a porn-after bit that is in a separate post because ugh, the porn is not strong with this one. Find it here.

Yes, I used Taylor Swift for inspiration, shut up


It didn't take Iwamoto long to figure out that Watanabe was trouble.

Watanabe Shota transferred into their school mid-year with his best friend, Miyadate, and no real explanation for it. It wasn't like anyone really needed to know, though. Watanabe and Miyadate both easily settled into Iwamoto's group, thanks to Sakuma's quick introductions.

"We needed a change," Miyadate had said, during lunch a week later. He looked at Watanabe as he spoke.

Watanbe sipped his milkshake and grinned.

It wasn't until later that Iwamoto got suspicious. Things started happening. The teacher's desk had a pikachu drawn on it when Monday began. The boys locker room was strung with bras the next week. The boy that sat in the back of the class found the top of his desk was smeared with honey and had a million dead ants on it soon after.

That was when Iwamoto figured it out. Watanabe sat right in front of him, and throughout the whole of class he's licking his fingers. Then Iwamoto saw the jar in his backpack when they went to lunch.

"Why?" he asked, once he finally got Watanabe alone. Watanabe looked as innocent as possible, but when Iwamoto persisted, he just shrugged.

"It's fun. Sometimes school gets boring."

"Is this why you changed schools?" Iwamoto guessed, but Watanabe just grinned.

"Wouldn't you like to know."

After that, the pranks stopped.

At least, that was what everyone else thought. Iwamoto knew better. The day after he spoke with Watanabe, he found his textbooks stapled together. A few days later, Watanabe sent him on a scavenger hunt to find his science notes, only to find out that they're behind a toilet. This kept up for several weeks, with Watanabe watching him, eyes sparkling and curious every time Iwamoto found out what new game he was playing.

Iwamoto contemplated confronting him - sometimes he was sure Watanbe was challenging him - or maybe bringing it up with Miyadate because he knew Watanabe the best. But he never did. He wasn't sure why, but he wanted to figure Watanabe out, see what he was really doing. Watanabe's pranks were annoying, but they made him curious.

The phone was the last straw.

Iwamoto wasn't sure how Watanabe did it, how he got a hold of Iwamoto's phone and changed things without Iwamoto noticing, but they're all eating lunch, the group of them, when his phone moans at him.

"What the hell," Nakajima spat out his drink, in tandem with Fukazawa choking on his food. "What was that."

Flushing red, Iwamoto snatched up his phone and dashed to the bathroom to find some privacy because that was his phone and that had been a moan, a soft, breathy moan, and it hadn't been doing that an hour ago.

He was going to kill Watanabe. That was all there was to it.

Another text came in (moan) and the picture that popped up was Watanabe's.

[Made that just for you.]

Iwamoto switched his phone to silent and just in time, because Watanabe texted him again. He didn't look at it though, didn't know if he could handle it, because he was angry and more than a little flustered and his text message notification was Watanabe moaning at him and everyone had heard it.

Another message came in, and even though it was silent, that moan echoed in Iwamoto's head. Watanabe again. Iwamoto steeled himself and checked his phone.

[Red's not a bad color on you.]

[I'll be waiting for you behind school~]

Iwamoto scowled at his phone, because he does not want to go see Watanabe. He'd be perfectly happy to punch Watanabe and then never see him again, after this mortifying episode.

But it wasn't like Watanabe could just get off scott-free for it, so Iwamoto made his way to the back of the school, behind the building where nobody really ever went except for a smoke.

Watanabe was waiting for him in the shadows, lollipop in hand, and regarding Iwamoto's approach with interest. He didn't even flinch when Iwamoto stormed closer and shoved the offending phone in his face.

"What the hell was that?" Iwamoto hissed.

"A great idea," Watanabe said, unrepentant. He watched as Iwamoto took a step back, raking a hand through his hair, before speaking again. "You're the only one who knew. I wanted to see what you'd do. See if you'd spill the beans."

"No, no, no," Iwamoto came back to Watanabe. "You can do all the stupid things like sharpen my erasers and shit, but you can't do that. That's... That's..." He spluttered, trying to find the right word for it. "Unfair."

He wanted to understand Watanabe, delve deeper and figure out what got him ticking, because Watanabe was reckless and trouble, but Iwamoto should just tell him to shove off and fix his stupid phone and try to forget it.

"I don't fight fair. I like winning," Watanabe said, before giving the lollipop a deliberate lick. Iwamoto was most definitely not staring at that. He wasn't staring and he wasn't thinking about that moan and what Watanabe might have been doing while he made it and he most definitely was not having this sort of conversation.

"Take me out," Watanabe said after a pause, popping the lollipop in a way that was purely suggestive. "You can stay the night at my house."

Iwamoto should have said no. He wasn't even ready to forgive Watanabe, let alone a date, what, but the words came out of his mouth before his brain had come up.

"I'll find you later," Watanabe said, all smiles and fruity breath in Iwamoto's ear, and then he was gone.

Iwamoto stared as he left. Had that really happened?

Yeah, it really had.

Somehow Watanabe had gotten him wrapped around his finger without Iwamoto even noticing, playing him like a little puppet to get exactly what he wanted.

He didn't realize how badly until later, when Watanabe had a hand down his pants was licking into his mouth, all wet and perfect, and Iwamoto couldn't help but take it and want more, because Watanabe was trouble and Iwamoto kind of really, really liked it.


r: pg-13, c: iwamoto hikaru, #drabble, c: watanabe shota, !fanfiction

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