Primeval cliff scene picspam + heroic running

Jul 31, 2010 23:18

Really, this is my last picspam for scifiland in a while (unless there's a picspam challenge next week or something)

Bingo square: Free choice
Medium: Minispam (picspam)... not so mini with 27 caps
Fandom: Primeval
Subject: The cliff scene in 2.04 (+ a bonus with some heroic running)
Note: Probably my favourite scene in Primeval. wildpages wished for a Connor picspam, which I said no to cause it would end up with like over 200 pictures XD (some other time though) boxeddreams then told me to do this. Well before that she told me to spam some wet sexy heroic running but I thought that was a bit boring since the scene is like a few seconds. Well... yeah.


primeval, #scifiland, !picspam

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