The Jupiter Family: Chapter 2

May 13, 2011 13:54

Featuring Sims by: Me, maranatah , charterzard , sjoisan , trappingit , pixelcurious , boolpropbea , katu_sims , jens_sims , dutchxfan , and ayachan072

So last time at the Jupiter farm, Skyla and Ois (maranatah ) added the triplets to the family. Skyla wants 10 kids, so I said why not, but now I'm realizing it's probably not a great idea. The family is dirt poor and really can't afford space for everyone. Oh well.

But the family is very loving, and I definitely want them to have more kids, sooo...

Twin chins run off to do more baby making. :D

I use to have a hack that made Sims move AWAY from the fridge when feeding a baby, but I can't seem to find it again. Help?!?!?!

One last look at Natasha as a toddler! She's so cute and sad looking!

Still super cute and sad looking!

And she still adores Trixie. :D

Skyla got her gold gardening badge, so now she can make cute faces at the trees! I still need to buy that third fruit tree...

Well, the triplets can't stay babies forever, thank goodness, so birthday time!




Ramona (sjoisan ) gossiping to Clue (charterzard ) about Trixie. Ramona really shouldn't be gossiping about anyone after being repeatedly skunked. She and Trixie have a -30 daily and LT relationship by the way...

Trixie tried to bathe Melody after she soiled her diaper. Aww!



Now that Natasha is grown, Trixie stalks Blake. :)

This picture looks messy, but it has a purpose. Skyla kept getting "stuck" in that corner. However, I could direct her to walk over to behind Melody and over to the door which is at the bottom left, but when I'd direct her to do something outside of the room she'd walk back to that corner and whine. I wanted to slap her. Seriously.

Natasha, what did I tell you about dancing with strangers who could have been your father if he had walked by a few days sooner?!?!?!

When I got Natasha way from Cidem (trappingit ), he went inside to dance with B.Fruitful (pixelcurious ).

That's Natasha's excited face! She sleeps in the hall cuz they can't afford to add another room.

She was excited about seeing snow, even though they have no windows. It immediately melted after this. It snowed a few times a day but never stuck.

Natasha: Daddy look!
Ois: *keeps walking*
Natasha: But I caught a Ringo Beetle...
Ois: *continues to ignore*

Natasha: Do you wanna marry me and be part of this family one day?
Gual Dex (boolpropbea ): No! Do I look like some kind to pervert to you?!
I think she meant in the future...when she's grown up...

It's time for the triplets to grow up, and the only Sim interested is a very stinky (I don't know why) Leila (sjoisan ).


BLAKE!!! :D I want to squeeze him!!!


Rings of Saturn around a Jupiter!

Ois dug up enough stuff for them to add a second floor. It only has one room which is for the kids.

The eggplants survived! They weren't very good, but one of them did manage to stay "healthy."

A pet finally spawned! Too bad she's a she. Trixie is getting old and needs a mate!

Trixie's a savage! :D

I've decided that Natasha can't be heir, or the generation 2.5 heir, since her OTH is Nature. She loves the farm life, so it wouldn't make sense.

Woebegone (katu_sims ): Uh oh, I think I broke her...

And sure enough, Skyla walks away from Woe and goes into labor in the bathroom!

Up first is Brandon...

and Landon! Thanks babynamegenie! LoL

They have now planted all of the crops! Now they just need to catch all of the fish!

I sell everything they catch/grow, so they still have to buy groceries.

I love the Evil Witch! A spare must marry him so he can breeeeeeeed!!!

I wonder what's going on in there?

Well hello there, Ramona and Woebegone! There's so much townie love going on!

Of course she's pregnant again, and of course they still don't have dining furniture or wallpaper or windows or lights...

They also don't have any friends despite always having Sims over. Joey (jens_sims ) here doesn't want to hear about Ois' juicy gossip, or about his nature hobby, or about anything.

It's birthday time again at the Jupiter house!

Natasha who is friggin' gorgeous!!! She rolled Knowledge/Fortune and wants to max all of the skills.


Landon. I'm still laughing over those names.

Aw, poor Elm Suli (dutchxfan ) is getting picked on by Mareah (ayachan072 ).

And we'll end this with the twins being adorable.

Next time: Will Skyla reach her goal of 10 children? Will the family finally get wallpaper, windows and furniture? Who will be heir? Who knows, cuz I haven't played that far yet! :-P

legacy: jupiter, pixel_trade

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