HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!! Today is my favorite day of the year, and even though I didn't get to go out, I did stay in and play TS2 all day! I know everyone is posting special Halloween goodies, but all I have for you is another installment of my Uberhood. I also went around and checked some Sims' relationships and found quite a few three bolters! One is actually a married couple, which shocked me. Anyway, that will all come eventually...
The Iforgotthename Dorms: I moved the bin students here, and you've seen a lot of them already running around at Sim State. I've actually never played LFT until now, so I really had no plans or expectations. Now, makeovers! Oh, and just a note, there's no make-over picture of Francis Worthington, but he is around, just stayed the same. :)
William Williamson
Stella Terrano
Blossom Moonbeam
Almeric Davis
Aldric Davis
The Shifting Paradymes: Gunnar is boring. He was lame, then graduated and moved in with Ashley Pitts Downtown. He also didn't get a makeover until after he graduated.
Zoe Zimmerman
Jasmine Rai
The Sorority House: Is it Tri Fruhm? I don't know, I didn't write it down.
Jessie Pilferson
Monica Bratford
DJ Verse
Sarah Love
The Frat House: They weren't too exciting, but that should change now that they can move back to the main hood. Guy Wrightly moved into a place that I madeover in Belladonna Cove. His fiance, who you shall find out about soon, is gonna move in with him along with one other couple.
Guy Wrightly
Matthew Hart
Mickey Dosser
Spam tiiiiiiiime.
Just a shot to show that everyone does indeed study, not just party and make-out.
All three dormies were redheaded males...
Ty and Almeric are such sweeties. :)
Another one of many fires.
Delilah decided I was right, and moved on to Erik Swain as poor Edwin watched. But it's okay, he finds his true love.
Mercutio didn't try to kiss Ty just once, but FOUR times during this party. In fact, he tries as long as they're in the same room.
Klara impaled Castor's face while trying to impress Edwin.
Three bolts!!! :D
Ripp and Heather and still super duper adorable and inseparable.
Well, Monica stepped in for a second, but Heather reclaimed him soon after.
Jimmy finally strayed from Sam! Dammit, DJ!
More rejection for Mercutio until...
The two lonely boys finally found each other. :)
Yes, Ripp is framing Heather's make-out with Ashley.
Johnny and Tybalt still take turns with Ophelia. I think she might end up with Tybalt, just to mix things up.
Jessie gets her first kiss with 3bolt lover, Nina Caliente.
Stella obviously disapproves of these shenanigans. LoL
After this, Zoe and Guy were stuck like glue. :D
Brittany cheating on Tank with his best friend in front of his enemy. :-/
I have no clue what that was about, but Castor and Tom were no longer allowed to attend the same parties.
Martin refuses a flirt from Blossom despite 3 bolts! By the end of this, he came around. :)
I love Sim love. :)
Well, it looks like Sam and Jimmy are still in love too.
Don't let those green smiles fool you, those two are in love now too!
I had no clue that two Sims could play the drums at the same time! It seems like I learn something new with each post.
Vidcund Curious and Monica Bratford have boltage of some sort. If you guessed two, you'd be one short. :D
He got it out before the fire department even got there!
Then he shoo-ed him out so he could take sponge bath instead of just going upstairs to the shower.
Blossom twitches as Jared kisses up her arm in front of her other 3bolter, Kevin Beare.
Then she angrily rejects Kevin for a kiss. *sigh*
William senses that something is different about the dorms, and he would be right since I moved in Jasmine and Zoe after Gunnar graduated.
Mercutio just cannot make up his mind!
A college update is never complete without naughty cow mascots.
There's Gunnar. I'm 99.9% sure I put them in the friend zone. *sigh*
She said yes. :D
Yay, they're back together!
William to the rescue!
Sorry, Sarah!
Then we end with Nina using salad as sun block...at night.
Yay Sims! But now it's back to homework and studying for midterms.