Features Sims by:
hidden_kitten and
pinkposeysims We last left off with me getting this overly full household in order. Briar is pregnant again, and Zaria is quite excited for a new little brother or sister, or both, or two of either.
I also decided to take advantage of Ida’s painting skills. +.5
Callisto grew up with most of Triton’s colorings, except he didn’t get the blue eye/ear patch or tail. He also has Iman’s golden eyes.
Carme looks just like Callisto, except she did get the blue tail and Triton’s blue eyes.
Chaldene is the most interesting looking. She got all of Tritons spots and patches, except the purple ones on the butt, but with Iman’s coat color. I hated to give them up, but this house is way too full. They’ll definitely be adopted by a spare.
First birthday of the update, and there will be lots, so don’t worry. ;)
Chase is quite a cutie, but all of the kids are. I’m considering him as the Black Sheep unless I decide to do that in a later generation.
It was twins again, but I just took this picture. It was two girls, which may explain Norman’s reaction. Their names are Cassie and Ivy. Notice the tree outside the window, there’s 10 of them for the Green Thumb Handicap. I just need to get Norman’s Nature enthusiasm up, or buy some magazines to increase his Environment interest.
City Planner! Next on Norman’s agenda, besides bathing Triton, Criminal Mastermind!
He made it home just in time for Graham and Marissa to childify. I love the look on Graham’s face!
They grew up matching! As cute and awesome as that is, they still need a make-over, and I just realized that the Freezer Bunny is on that shirt…
Still red and still matching! I love how they noticeably have each parents chin.
Norman maxed all skills! Yay Impossible Want point! He’s wearing the social glasses because a cute mate for Callisto walked by, but she left before he got out there. I tried to keep Norman from socializing with anyone until another female dog walked by, but I failed.
Cassie and Ivy had their toddlerfication. This is Ivy, who is camera shy.
This is Cassie who decided to grow up with Zaria’s hair, but it’s cute, so it stays.
I have Professor Ida cook dinner, since she has maxed cooking, but she burns nearly everything.
I didn’t miss this one! This is Autumn who actually hangs out at the Mendeleevs house a lot growling at everyone who walks by. She really likes Norman though, even without the social glasses.
Back in the house, an adorable toddler makes an adorable face while he becomes an adorable child.
As soon as Chase left the room, Briar walked in to give birth. Good thing he left or he’d be scarred for life. I can’t say the same for Graham since he was doing his homework right there…
Just one this time, and another who cannot be heir. Meet Abby. Just 3 more to go!
Norman is now a Criminal Mastermind, and now wants to be a The Law. I wonder how many LTWs he’s going to complete.
Ida still won’t die. It’s raining and apparently Sims can’t cloud watch while it’s raining, so she’s teaching Triton his last trick, then it’s +.25 for me.
My dog sleeps like that. No joke, tongue out and everything. Sometimes I mess with her and poke her tongue, so he pulls it in, then she lays back down and sticks it back out. LoL
Autumn had left before Norman adopted her, but she came back, and now she’s part of the family. The first thing she did was attack Callisto. :-/
Then the robot bench that Norman asked for in college caught on fire because I forgot to put a roof on the garage and it got struck by lightning. Oopsie.
Synchronized twirling!
Noah is definitely a male Briar.
Zaria became a very lovely young woman, even though she has her father’s strong chin.
Guess whose back!!! (I now have “Without Me” by Eminem stuck in my head…)
Norman: Ow! He bit me!
He just nibbled a little…
Excellent! I think Chase will be the Black Sheep. I’ll have Norman bite him when he comes home from college. I was hoping Chase could also get me the Ivy League point, but after doing a test family, an alien child doesn’t count as an orphan when their Sim parent dies. Oh well.
Anyway, Briar seems a little confused by her husband’s sudden transformation, but we need more babies!
Mission complete. :D
Noah loves Abby! I’ve been trying to make all of the kids be friends, which is hard for the older ones and the babies, but I’m doing it!
One cake equals three birthdays. Don’t believe me?
ONE- Abby got to use the cake, and she looks so sweet! She chose that hair herself, too!
TWO- Cassie changed her pigtails, and is adorable too. I’m really happy with all of the kids so far actually. I was a bit worried since Briar and Norman have pretty opposite features, but there’s a nice balance amongst their children.
THREE- Finally, here’s Ivy. Graham approves. :)
I don’t think I’d want a Criminal Mastermind Wolfman teaching me to walk, but Norman didn’t eat her. Abby was able to walk and talk by the end of the night. Zaria finished the potty training in the morning.
And finally two days before becoming an elder Norman maxes his OTH [+1]! Now, all of the kids must max it before they leave for college. That’s my way of making sure I get as many of those points as possible. 18 Sims need to max Science for the full 10 points, so I’ll hopefully get 11 out of the way now, 12 if Briar ever gets to not be pregnant. Also I couldn’t stop Norman from using the computer, since another of my handicaps is “Danger Zone.” Luckily he stopped on his own a couple hours after this.
I don’t know what I’d do without this play table. I don’t even know how my kids became friends before Free Time. The only bad thing is one kid gets left out. I sent Ivy to play chess with Marissa since they both wanted to maximize Logic.
Olaf Krogstad (
pinkposeysims) stole their invisible newspaper but ran through the house. Silly pirate.
Norman finally became best friends with Chase and Ivy! Oh, and I'm bored of my dish replacements, any suggestions???
Proof that all of the kids are working on their Science hobby. Marissa even dreams about Science.
Even though they can’t be heir, Norman still adores his daughters. This was completely autonomous, and Ivy is on the other side of the door waiting for her turn.
Two Romance Sims who haven’t had their first kisses yet were kind of bummed, so I sent them Downtown. Noah was so excited, he didn’t even get dressed. No teens showed up, so I sent them back home when I remembered that Norman knows everyone in town so he can set them up over the phone.
Noah was set up with some girl, and they’re friends but she still won’t go out with him. At least he gets 750 aspiration points just for asking. Zaria got set up and immediately rolled the want to flirt with him.
Professor Ida is still alive. It’s been raining a lot so she hasn’t been able to sit outside much. Her time will come though, soon, hopefully…
Norman was patiently awaiting the arrival of the new babies, and now they’re on the way!
Norman: OMG! Why us! So many babies!
Norman: I know there’s more! *growl*
Briar: Everyone’s sleeping. Who am I suppose to hand her to? *pout*
Uh, Norman. I don’t think he belongs out there.
Yes, they did have triplets. I just put the Trips/Quads hack back in, and chose three so Briar wouldn’t have to be pregnant anymore. Yellow is Tamara, pink is Paulina, and green is Mathias.
Abby being cute, that’s all. :)
Zaria isn’t having much luck with the guy she got set up with, but I don’t think paying for a date is really necessary.
Twin birthday! Well, actually it’s a triple birthday, but Abby’s in the nursery.
Here they all are! I think Marissa is my favorite.
Three cheers for Noah!
It was apparently Norman’s birthday that night also. He looks the same, but who can really tell with all that fur.
Hmm, not too shabby.
Norman finally got around to purchasing the vacation house that every generation must spend a successful vacation at. Of course Briar and Norman get to be first.
Here it is! A cute little log cabin in Three Lakes. I rarely send Sims here, so that’s why I had them buy this house.
First up on their agenda was to examine the tree ring thing. Well, Briar got there first and Norman whined about it.
Poor tour guide!
Even though she only has 4 body points, Briar got the bulls-eye on the second throw!
Norman who has maxed body took awhile longer.
Next activity is log rolling! Round 1 and GOOO…
Briar wins! She beat an old man so I’m so sure how much that win matters.
Round 2 goes to Norman! And he beat someone with way less body points, so it’s like beating an old man.
She was in the shower and he transformed in the bathroom, so now she’s yelling at him. LoL
I’m never lighting a fire place again.
Yep, never again.
This is Jody Bigfoot.
The best way to make friends with him and catch some fresh food.
Bigfoot is afraid of wolves, I guess.
Teen: OMG! Old people making out! OMG and one is really hairy! *scarred for life*
Teen: *watches intently*
Creep…She was actually waiting to do that chest pound with Norman.
They both hit water pipes about 5 or 6 times, but Briar did find treasure! They had an awesome vacation, and luckily didn’t learn the Chest Pound or Slap Dance. Norman got 10 mementos (I think) so that’s +1 for me!
Score: 16.75/150 = 11.66%