
The things you learn: alveolar

Apr 27, 2009 16:34

So, apparently I've been pronouncing "alveolar" wrong all my life. Which is not so useful if you're talking about phonetics, since it's a fairly common word in that context.

I've been pronouncing it "al-vee-OH-ler" (just as I pronounce the alveoli in your longs "al-vee-OH-lie"), but apparently it's "al-VEE-a-ler, al-VEE-a-lie". Whodathunkit.

I was enlightened after reading the comments on this blog entry of John Wells's, especially those of Amy Stoller and Sili.

(And slightly relatedly, I keep having to remind myself that "rhotic" is not "rot-ic" but "rho-tic".)

the things you learn

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