Title: New Boss - 26/?
Rating: MA 15+
Fandom: Torchwood
Genre: AU/ Romance
Pairings: Jack/Ianto
Spoilers: None. AU but the names of the Episodes are mentioned
Summary: There is a new Boss for Torchwood Cardiff.
Sunday Night, Monday Morning.
Torchwood- Copyright BBC.
beta’d by the wonderful wanda1969
‘thoughts are in italics and single quotes’
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Jack convinced Ianto to spend Sunday night with him at the hotel. It really wasn’t hard to convince him, Ianto really didn’t want Jack to go. ‘I like having Jack around, it’s nice... oh more than just nice, to have him here in my flat, or to be truthful, in my bed.’ thought Ianto. So he packed up a suit and they were at Jack’s hotel just before seven.
All Jack wanted to do when they got to the room was to pin Ianto to the bed, and have more ‘Ianto time’, but his plans were put on hold. Ianto insisted he needed to hang up his suit otherwise it would be unwearable in the morning.
“While I sort this out, why don’t you see how many messages you have. There’s a light flashing on your ‘phone.
Jack sighed, and picked up the 'phone and went through the messages: well he listened to the first few words of each message, before going to the next one. The minute he heard Gwen’s voice he cringed. Her voice was become more strident with each message.
He sighed again, “I’ve got twenty-one messages from Gwen - nine yesterday and eleven from today. There are only two that are not from her. One from the front desk, saying they have a raft of messaged for me, left by phone, and a few left in person. The other message is from Andy - he says Gwen has called him several times, and could I please call her so she will leave him alone.” He looked at the other man with a pained expression.
As Jack put the phone down, it rang: he jumped at the noise and looked at the phone, as if it was going to explode or do something just as frightening.
Ianto cocked his head to the side and sniggered, “Bet you £20 it’s Gwen!”
Jack picked up the phone and said cautiously, “Hello.”
Ianto sat on the chair, opposite Jack who was sitting on the bed. Jack grimaced.
“Hi, Gwen.... Yeah spend the last few days with a friend, stayed over.”
“No only just got back to my room.”
“Sorry, I’ve made plans, give my apologies to your boyfriend.”
“Oh, he isn’t coming?”
“No sorry, my partner,” Jack looked up at Ianto and smiled. “Yes Gwen, my partner and I have already made plans for dinner.”
“No, we have already made reservations.”
“No, you can’t tag along.”
“Gwen, I have to go.”
“Maybe, another time, when Rhys can come along.”
Jack looked up at Ianto again, who was trying hard not to laugh.
“Gwen, NO, I don’t know where we are going, I didn’t organise it.”
“NO, Gwen, you can’t come. I’m sorry you’re alone, but I have plans, I have been looking forward to having dinner with my partner.”
Gwen!, Goodbye, I have to go.”
Ianto could hear Gwen talking still as Jack put the phone down. He looked at Jack’s face, the horror clearly on his face, and he just burst out laughing.
“Stop it.” Jack slouched on the bed, looking dejected “It’s not fair, I try to put her off.”
“But Jack, she wants you sooo much.”
Jack stood up and fussed around the room. Gwen was getting to him, driving him mad.
“Yeah, well she’s barking up the wrong tree.”
“You’re a tree now, are you?” Ianto asked smiling.
“Yes, a big mighty American redwood.” Leered Jack
“Oh, I like climbing trees. Trees are fun to play in” Ianto smirked at Jack.
“So you want to play and climb this tree, do you?”
“Well, I do so like the wood you produce.” Ianto was having trouble keeping a straight face.
Jack smirked at him, walked up to him, his crotch eye level with Ianto, who could tell that the conversation had definitely taken his mind off Gwen and onto some more carnal thoughts. “Yeah, I have some wood for you, only you.”
“It’s massive, your wood, a huge branch...” Ianto couldn’t help himself and burst into giggles.
Jack started to laugh. “That was so cheesy.”
“Yeah!” Ianto managed to say through his giggles, “but very funny.”
“Come on, you ready for some dinner? We can discuss where we are going to be planting our trees over dinner. He extended his hand to the seated man.
Ianto rolled his eyes and grabbed Jack’s hand. Jack hauled him out of the chair, pulling him close, resting his hands on Ianto’s hips. Ianto leaned in, putting his arms around Jack neck.
‘I’m glad I’m the one here, with you Jack.”
Jack shivered and they kissed.
Dinner in the end was pizza, ordered at eleven and eaten in bed.
Jack woke slowly, a smile on his face. His mind replayed the weekend. ‘Wow! Why did we dance around each other for so long?’ He rolled over, expecting to find Ianto asleep.
Jack sat up, concerned, looking around the room. ‘I wasn’t dreaming my wonderful weekend, was I?’ He heard some noises from the bathroom and Ianto appeared, dressed in just his trousers.
“Hi, Jack, sleep well?”
“Yeah, how about you? Why are you up? We have plenty of time to get to work. Though if top-less is the new dress code, sign me up.” His eyes raked over Ianto. He felt a stirring down below.
Ianto blushed and Jack could see his nipples harden.
Ianto smiled and walked over to Jack, gave him a quick, minty kiss, before stepping back, out of Jack’s reach. “If I had stayed in bed we wouldn’t have got up and we’d probably be very...” his eyes took in Jack’s burgeoning erection. He shook his head, “very, very late for work.”
“You spoil all my fun.” Jack pouted, as he sat up and reached for, and caught his Ianto.
The young man just smiled and extracted himself from his lover’s arms, which were trying to pull him back down into bed.
“I’ll just finish getting dressed and head down to work. You’ll have plenty of time to get ready. While he was talking, Ianto finished dressing. As Ianto was looking in the mirror, tying his tie, Jack nestled up behind him, resting his chin on the other man’s shoulder. Regarding his lover in the mirror, Jack smiled and whispered, “I have had the best weekend ever, and I hope we have many, many more like it.”
Ianto turned to face Jack, kissing him softly. “I feel the same.”
“Please, Ianto, don’t let Gwen get between us. I feel she could cause trouble.”
“I’ll remember that, as she makes her play for you.”
“What on Earth can I do to make her realise I’m NOT interested?”
“Jack, you are good looking...” Jack raised an eyebrow, “Okay, you are stunningly handsome. She sees you as powerful and rich. All the things she wants. She’s been able to get most of what she wants by looking good and ‘displaying her wares’. She’s never had her feminine wiles fall flat.”
“It’s ridiculous. I’ve told her I’m not interested in her. That I have a very handsome and delectable partner that I like. I’ve even told her I like men! That piece of news seemed to make her more determined.”
“She’s taking you liking men as a challenge?”
“Yes, and I can’t take much more of it!”
Ianto stroked Jack’s cheek, “I really don’t know what to suggest. Now I better go or we will never get to work.”
“I’m the boss, I could give you the day off.”
“Nice though, more time with you. That’s so tempting, but you have two meetings today, I checked your remote email. One is a teleconference with head office reps - they will just be going over the training course. Deciding if it should be kept etcetera. And this afternoon you have a Dr. M. Jones. Face to face, no other details. You are getting an email regarding the agenda this morning.”
Jack smiled. “Dr. M. Jones, I bet that’s Martha. You will love her. She is fantastic.”
“Really? Should I be jealous?”
“Nah, we’re just friends. Go back a bit. I was doing some travelling for Torchwood, checking on different branches - we had a ball.”
“So I guess I should be jealous.” Ianto sounded dejected.
Jack looked at Ianto, worried. “She is great, but it is you I am with. Who I want to be with. Ianto you are going to have to tell me what’s wrong. You are normally so confident, you seem to lack that when it comes to us.”
“Jack, I will one day, but not today. I’m in too good a mood. I had such a restful weekend, lounging in bed, resting.”
“Yeah,” Jack smiled, thinking back on all the ‘resting’ they had done, “we rested so much, we hardly got out of bed all weekend. So why do I feel like I have been using some of my muscles more than usual and expending lots of energy?”
“Oh, poor baby, did I tire you out?”
“Nah, that sort of exercise I will never, ever, say ‘no’ too, when you’re involved.” Jack was now standing in front of Ianto, stroking his cheek.
“So what do we do is exercise?” Ianto smiled as he poked Jack in his side.
“Oh, yeah. Very enjoyable exercise, keeps me young. You know, you’re only as old as the man you feel.”
“You’re using my line back at me, where’s your originality?”
“And what we have been doing hasn’t been original?”
Ianto thought back over the weekend.
“You’re blushing, Mr Jones.”
“No comment, Mr Harkness.” Ianto kissed him soundly, grabbed his bag and left, saying over his shoulder, ‘Jack it was... innovative, bordering on the avant garde.”