Title: New Boss - 19/?
Rating: MA 15+
Fandom: Torchwood
Genre: AU/ Romance
Pairings: Jack/Ianto
Spoilers: None. AU but the names of the Episodes are mentioned
Summary: There is a new Boss for Torchwood Cardiff.
To the wall
Words: this part 2,578 - So far - 33,280
Torchwood- Copyright BBC.
beta’d by the wonderful wanda1969
‘thoughts are in italics
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Comments 14
I loved Ianto landing in a heap at the bottom of the climbing wall =) I hope Jack kisses everything better for him later =D
Will they be doing more climbing in the afternoon? Evan said something about having a surprise for them so I wonder what it could be? Guess I'll have to wait for next chapter!
As for Gwen *rolls eyes* I hope she doesn't get out of climbing completely! I can just picture her screeching, "Watch me, Jack, watch me!" like a little kid demanding the attention of her parents. *giggles* She always wants to be the centre of attention yet does nothing to deserve it. *sigh* Oblivious Gwen is oblivious.
Hopefully it'll stop acting up soon!
I agree with badly_knitted that Gwen shouldn't get out of the climbing. Hopefully Evan saw her sitting there on her ass and either makes her climb or comes up with something she'll hate even more.
Jack's reaction to Gwen hanging on him was hysterical. Tosh and Owen helping was adorable. Ianto just has to help him out by snogging his face off now. Of course, it will have to be when they're absolutely sure no one is going to see them! *snicker*
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