The silver-haired girl never made pizza before either. She normally cooked with her sister and with Gabriel on the ship. However, neither of them were on the ship so Anju was left with Sakura as a cooking partner.
Looking at the instructions, she looked at the other girl. "We should make the dough," stated Anju.
"It might be more fun to mix it by hand," Sakura said, adding the olive oil and the salt. "We have to spread out the ingrediants before that." She took a spatula and began to mix the ingrediants together.
Anju was dreading that. Vampire strength and hand mixing tended to be much abuse on the tools. The girl wondered if she could convince Sakura to do the mixing. Or she might have to be extra cautious when mixing. The pain of hiding your true ability.
Anju merely watched as Sakura began putting the ingredients in.
"You could always mix with your hands," Sakura offered. She didn't like leaving people out, even if it was just one person. Still, if Anju didn't want to, that was alright to.
Anju nodded her head and mixed it as careful as she could. It would take more than that to tire out Anju. Vampires had very high endurance so the girl easily finished mixing the ingredients without breaking a sweat.
Dumping the dough on the workstation, Anju pushed it towards Sakura. "You can do the kneading."
"Alright," Sakura said, spreading some flour on the counter. That would make things easier. Remembering that one home ecomonics class on making bread, Sakura began to get to work.
"Could you spread some olive oil in a bowl," she asked as she worked. "That's the next step."
"Sounds good! Let's cover it with a wet paper towel to keep the surface from drying out," said Anju. It was what her sister usually does when she made bread or other pastries.
"That's a good idea," Sakura said, putting the dough in the bowl.
"So, what are we going to do for an hour?" Cleaning up was probably not going to take them a long time, and there wasn't much they could do while waiting for the dough to rise.
Anju shrugged her shoulders. "I guess we could talk. This ship is very different from home. I wonder how my sister and brother are doing. My sister is a klutz and my brother likes to tease me but I still miss both of them."
Looking at the instructions, she looked at the other girl. "We should make the dough," stated Anju.
"I'll get the mixer," said the vampire, "Unless you want to mix it by hand."
Anju merely watched as Sakura began putting the ingredients in.
"Do you want to go first, Anju-chan?" she asked.
"I'm not good with mixing spoons," responded the girl. This was true in a way.
The vampire helped mixed the ingredients with her hands, making sure not to use too much strength.
When Anji got tired, she would take over, Sakura figured.
Dumping the dough on the workstation, Anju pushed it towards Sakura. "You can do the kneading."
"Could you spread some olive oil in a bowl," she asked as she worked. "That's the next step."
The vampire wondered what were people going to say when they see what two young girls could do.
"I think the dough's ready. We need to let it sit for about an hour to rise."
And then they'd practically be done.
"So, what are we going to do for an hour?" Cleaning up was probably not going to take them a long time, and there wasn't much they could do while waiting for the dough to rise.
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