~Hello, I love you~

Mar 11, 2009 07:43

DATE: Day 53
CHARACTER(S): Arachne, Palpatine
STATUS: Closed / Complete
LOCATION: Cabin 201

~Won't you tell me your name?~ )

arachne, palpatine

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Comments 38

trickblackwidow March 11 2009, 22:10:58 UTC
So far, this place had not really begun to grow on Arachne. Sure, some of the people seemed nice enough (although others made him want to maim them,) but there was something *wrong* with this place! For one thing, it was a huge ship, and for another... well, that was mostly it, actually. Still, he was looking forward to getting into his room and actually *relaxing* for once!

"200... 201, this is it, then." he murmured, shoving the scrap of paper he'd been reading from into the lone pocket in his skirt before he turned the doorknob. "I wonder..." His thought was never finished, though, as he was suddenly preoccupied with fixing the fake breast on his left side with his free hand.


notfromajedi March 11 2009, 22:43:30 UTC
Palpatine sensed someone coming, someone unfamiliar to him. Could it be his new roommate?

The door had started to open, then stopped. "Hello?" he called out in a cheerful voice. "Who's there? Come in!"

Even if it wasn't his roommate, he never minded a little company. He set his reading aside and sat up a little straighter.


trickblackwidow March 12 2009, 02:58:48 UTC
Surprised by the voice, Arachne very nearly *dropped* his fake, fixing it quickly before he entered. They hadn't said anything about roommates, or at least hadn't mentioned that Arachne had one...

.... Or that there was only one bed. What the hell were they thinking?! And on top of that, his roommate was.... some old guy? Restraining his eyetwitch, Arachne cleared his throat lightly. "This is 201, right?" he asked, glancing to the door again. ".... They're not very forthcoming with information, are they?"

In spite of his irritation, Arachne closed the door. This was, in fact, cabin 201, and that was, in fact, the number on his sheet...


notfromajedi March 12 2009, 14:45:39 UTC
Palpatine's eyes widened at the sight of Arachne. They'd sent a woman to room with him? As far as he knew, men roomed with men and women with women on this ship except in cases of family or engagement. How curious!

He smiled hesitantly. "No, they're not. I didn't realize when I arrived that I'd have a roommate, either. ...are you SURE this is where you were assigned?"


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