On the days when you act like you don't care

Oct 23, 2009 01:07

Who: Iason Mink/jupiters_golden & anyone and all. Come get wet Don't tell me any of you females don't wanna peek! PLOT :D
Date: DAY 115, Morning after breakfast
Status: Open to all, and any/Ongoing
Summary: Iason's showering. What happens and who stops in is up to you! Wanna get wet. Did those little fuckers get you all dirty? Need to be clean?
Location: ( Read more... )

hisoka kurosaki, katze, †iason mink, haruhara haruko, quatre winner

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kit_katze October 23 2009, 05:39:13 UTC
Katze had a routine. When he rose, which was relatively early, he went into Iason's room. He tidied what he could as quietly as possible. He brought something for Iason to eat when he woke up and he left. He pretended to have his own life. He had a job, he had a side job that was probably unorthodox. He didn't need more.

But old habits died hard by now. When Iason wandered past he rose obediently to follow him to the showers in case he needed assistance. Bathing seemed like such a mundane task, but Blondies, in fact most Elite, didn't bathe unattended at home.

He stood there patiently, quietly, waiting for instruction. Some days Iason sent him away. Other days he had something to discuss. Katze was prepared for either.


kit_katze October 24 2009, 22:45:58 UTC
"No." That said, Katze moved to the basket of supplies. "Do you want to smell like apples or like...you've had intercourse on a beach?" He wondered how that smelled. Probably gross. Didn't you get sand in uncomfortable places anyway? And what about creatures that lived on the beach?

Katze was stubborn, but truly Iason had given him that. When he wasn't a Furniture, he'd had to hold his own. Even among other Elite, even among Raoul, he couldn't be docile enough for them to think of getting rid of him.

"No, it wasn't my fate. I'm a mongrel like any other, just blessed with a few differences. My genes were no different than any Ruby but I wasn't want someone wanted." He didn't think Iason was going to see the parallel. "None of the people here have had your upbringing. None of them have even been where we're from. But...there are places in our world that are like theirs. You got along well enough with the foreign trade consultants. Imagine them like that."


jupiters_golden October 25 2009, 10:10:00 UTC
That made his blood boil. A vicious backhand would ensue if it made contact, though his broad hand held back, hoping to bruise, to hurt, and to cause pain, but not damage. He didn't even look at him. Riki had been far worse, amusing to tame. But Katze. He was in a breed of his own.

Though the question perked him out of his angered mood and he turned once more back to the shower, choosing to ignore the red head without an answer. Another crunch --which would make any mechanic unhappy-- ensured the tiled wall had once again be damaged.

His blue eyes closed in solice, revolting as it was. The conditioner in his hair was starting to drain, drizzling with the water down his toned body. The damn mongrel had a point, but why should he convert? Why shouldn't anyone convert to his ways? Apples, he'd rather smell like apples, though he enjoyed his own confined scent.

Perhaps, he could. Treat them as such. But most had been Blondies, or at least someone of dignity.


kit_katze October 25 2009, 22:41:46 UTC
Katze let the strike hit, though he moved his head back slightly to absorb some of the blow. If it made Iason feel better, it was fine. The blow wasn't devastating; he didn't see stars or lose teeth or bite his tongue. It was fine.

The former Furniture chose the apple scent because he was at least familiar with it. A brush was soaped and he went to work, methodically cleaning the man. His mind was mostly blank during this process, his body responding without him really issuing commands.

"Some of them I hear were even noblemen. You have dealt with worse and you can deal with them. Just because they have darker hair...it doesn't mean they grew up as mongrels grow up. They probably had an education. They may have even had the luxuries you enjoy."


jupiters_golden October 26 2009, 06:15:34 UTC
Iason was pleased when his hand felt warm from the contact of the hit. He was use to this lavish treatment and when the ex-furniture began to scrub and touch him again, he let him. He didn't need Katze to wash him, instead he needed Katze to do so, to feel waited on hand and foot.

Routine was routine and while he could gloss away the differences, the appreciate for someone of the finer arts, even without the proper hair color, he could not bring himself to respect them.

"Mongrels all the same," he repeated, but the more the red head talked, the more he was starting to listen. His eyes remained close, smelling that scent of apples. If anyone else walked in at the moment, he wouldn't pay them any attention.


kit_katze October 27 2009, 14:35:39 UTC
Katze snorted indelicately as he knelt in the water to wash Iason's leg. He was too old to be a Furniture and it showed in the slowness of his movements and the way he held his hands curled up for protection. Katze had been in scores of fights but he'd always been cautious of punches, of damaging hands and fingers that kept him alive.

"Mongrels aren't all the same," He argued. "Otherwise you would have picked another male that looked similar to Riki. Otherwise you would have murdered me the moment you had a new Furniture. You can say what you'd like, whatever dogma Jupiter would have you believe, but you know the truth."

He stood and finished up to Iason's hip. "You died to savve a mongrel. You died carrying a mongrel you hated out of a building to appease one you cared for." Katze didn't include himself in any equation. Not yet. The truth was hard to hear but maybe Iason would accept it.


jupiters_golden October 28 2009, 00:43:52 UTC
Iason could've moved or leaned against the wall to make it easier for Katze to wash him, but he didn't. Not at the moment. Usually Blondies were stable enough when it came to things. Iason was barely cracking at the seams.

He hated the truth. That irritatable truth that he wasn't going to go home anytime soon, and with everyone at his throat every time he stepped outside, it wouldn't be wise not to heed his words. Though Iason rarely took advice anyways.

That made him twitch near the part of his legs where there had been no legs for a while. He frowned slightly, looking back at Katze, "Yes, and where did that mistake get me?"


kit_katze October 28 2009, 02:57:41 UTC
"It got you blown up," Katze replied with a little more cheerfulness than he felt. It had been a horrible year without him, but he didn't want to think of that. He finished washing Iason off and stepped back. "But that's statistically unlikely to happen again."


jupiters_golden October 28 2009, 03:37:35 UTC
His head lowered, hair sliding down to join in the hang when he stared down at the drain, shoulders stiffening at the tone of his voice, "Yes, I won't make that mistake again." He'd merely let the shower do all the rinsing now.


kit_katze October 29 2009, 17:40:45 UTC
Katze sighed softly. "You act like the world did you some great disservice. You had everything, Iason, and you made your own choices. Some of us don't even have your background or the ability to make choices." He stepped back, looking for something to dry off with. He wasn't soaked but being damp was unpleasant never the less. "You'll find companionship if only so you don't have to deal with me hounding you any longer."


jupiters_golden October 29 2009, 19:03:08 UTC
Katze was begining to grate on his nerves...again. He stared hard at the wall. After all, he had made those choices, to throw everything to the side for Riki, and in return when he conformed and returned to him, Riki had rejected him. His tempered had gotten far into the way, but that was done now, and over with.

"You're dismissed, Katze."


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