Title: Mother Bear
Author: Emily_msr (LJ: pluschi)
Characters: Sara Tancredi, Frank Tancredi, Michael Scofield
Summary: It's a story about Sara's youth and what her mother taught her...and how meeting Michael Scofield fits into that.
Rating: G
Author's Chapter Notes:
I'm not sure what to think of this myself. I wanted to do a metaphoric thing but I'm not
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Comments 7
I'm a parent mysefl and my life has been shaped by a parent who died when I was 15 so I loved this lil ficter.
Great job!
For the record the comment rype and color is too small.
I have no clue what I what I just yped.
I didn't really know myself if I liked this story or not, but I wanted to convey the 'motherly love and guidance' principle, because from the show I always got the impression that Sara's mother (as well as Michael's in his case) had a significant impact on her life. But they didn't really tap too much into it on the show, just glimpses of her difficult relationship with her father. I can understand how you relate to it if you've lost a parent yourself. I hope you have some wonderful memories of them as well!
Btw, I love your reviews of the PB eps :) And your fics as well! You're also an X-files fan, right? Me too...one of those really obsessed ones :) It's addicting, isn't it? Anyway, feel free to keep coming here to review and comment on my posts in the future!
It's a very sweet fic !! So adorable!! Good job!
Take care.
I'm also a bit obsessed with bears which is why I used them in the story. For me they're also like touchstones :)
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