OK, I will admit that when I first read this news I was SUPREMELY UPSET. I'll tell you why. I have this weird fear/dislike of British TV stars doing US shows. It's partly because they may not have an accent (silly, I know) and it's partly because I like that 85 percent of America doesn't really know all these stars. I guess I don't want to prepare for jealousy or something.
I know all that didn't make sense. I'm weird, and that's all there is to it.
BUT THEN I thought, OK. This is silly. What's the big deal? It's not my life, it's his career. If he wants to move over to the U.S. and do a show, good for him. And then
I read more about this show, called Rex Is Not Your Lawyer, which will premiere in 2010 on NBC. It's about a lawyer (duh) and it takes place in Chicago.
For some reason, this really appeals to me.
Also, Jeffrey Tambor's in it, and I heart Jeffrey Tambor. So, I guess it works.
Though I really hope DT doesn't have an American accent. Though he probably will.
In any case, I'll put it on my list of shows to watch. I hope it's good and I hope it doesn't get axed at the get-go, 'cos that will suck.
Oh and here's a thought. If they will be filming it in Chicago...hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.