Ch. 90 → Liars on the Battlefield

Feb 01, 2015 21:31

Liars on the Battlefield
This is going to be the final challenge. After this, the community is going to be on hiatus.

For this challenge I thought it would be fun to work with given caps (chosen by me) and have an icon battle!

How will the battle work?
To participate in the challenge, you must make icons from all 7 provided caps and post them to the community as you would for any other challenge. We will then have a voting on best icon out of each set and best 3 sets (If there will be as many). You can do anything you want with the given caps, also you may blend them with other caps.
When you post your icons to the community, please use three teasers and put the rest under a cut.


Please include this code in your entry (paste your links in and then remove the space here -> ):