Title: The Game Is A Foot...
Pairing: Adam/Lawrence
Rating: Up to R for later chapters
Summary: What happens when the key doesn't go down the drain? Will Adam, not only save himself, but try and save the man that has to kill him?
Author’s Notes: This is an AU that I have written about what would happen if Amanda had actually played by the rules and
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Comments 3
Also, if you're looking for another comm to post your stories in, I'm actually mod for with_eyes_shut and while the place is pretty dead now, I'm sending out feelers to see if anyone is still interested. It's open to Saw fanfiction, although it's mostly Leigh/James.
Thank you for the link. I have just joined the communnity, and shall post there shortly.
And, I'm pretty sure, if it is a Leigh/James community, I could whip some Leigh/James up some time...
Thank you for the comment!
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