Who: Captain Jack Harkness, Buffy Summers and, at some point, Spike.
Where: Buffy's room.
When: A couple days or so after
Owen came to Jack about his deaths.
What: Jack
found out from Kaylee that
Owen learned his fate from Spike. Jack didn't tell Spike the details of his friends' recent deaths, but Spike spends an awful lot of time with Buffy.
Jack had to know what happened. )
And that was the truth. It hadn't occurred to him that anyone would tell someone something like that. Not the people he'd met there, at any rate.
He hadn't heard anything about Owen and Spike hanging out before. God knew how Owen got involved in the card game, but he doubted it was as Spike's bestest buddy. Owen didn't really do friendship (in the traditional sense) and was on 'good terms' with almost nobody.
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