Title: Locked Out Pairing: Leeteuk/Siwon Rating: R Warnings: Frottage, drunken-ness, possble voyeurism if you squint Words: 758 Summary : Leeteuk and Siwon are drunk Comments: For the
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LOL Leeteuk is always slightly drunk acting anyway so that's easy to picturebut yeah I picture Siwon as a very stoic drunk, but gets all suggestible to stupid ideas ^_^.
Awsome story! You totally mad me lol! Drunken hissing is soooo true! You know, with that perkiness and thous dimples, Leeteuk would make a perfect cheerleader! We already know he looks good in a dress, so pom poms woudln't be that much of a stretch, eh?
Good god woman you are speedy on the replying!! and extra yay, making people laugh makes it all worth it! and big loves btw that you're reading fic's that aren't even your fandom <3
Comments 32
ilu! ♥
I was desperately in need of some siteuk love & this was awesome~ thank you!
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We must admit: drunken people are the silliest but the sex is always awesome. Even if it's not sex properly said. 8DD
You know, with that perkiness and thous dimples, Leeteuk would make a perfect cheerleader! We already know he looks good in a dress, so pom poms woudln't be that much of a stretch, eh?
HAHAHA sounds like crackfic in the making to me ^_^
LOL xD!! The image is really funny haha!! xD loved it
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