3rd Box [Action for those in Spero]

Nov 05, 2011 00:21

[That doll... That most freakish doll ever. It was so cute and charming at first but then she had left it behind and it followed her... And keep talking to her. Heather didn't like it one bit. It scared her. That woman, Little Washu offered the bonfire idea but it was too far away and she really didn't want to spend that much time alone with it ( Read more... )

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redcinemareel November 5 2011, 06:26:20 UTC
[And said doll lands at Grell's feet. The reaper, a scarf about her neck for the cooler weather rolling in, picks it up and examines it.]

Is there a problem, sweetie?


redcinemareel November 5 2011, 08:42:45 UTC
Then you should definitely try them! You'll get sick without the proper attire!

...sweetie, William is our superior at work. Including Eric's.

[The handkerchief is to be taken, not stared at.]

Then you simply do not possess the practiced skill of avoiding injury.


playwitchu November 5 2011, 08:50:57 UTC
... What if Eric doesn't approve of them? [Though getting sick would be a bad thing.]

But he is not here....You are Grell?

[She blinks and takes the handkerchief and wraps her hand with it.]

Not my fault that I don't remember... [Perhaps she can ask Eric or Batman to teach her how to use it.]


redcinemareel November 5 2011, 19:47:57 UTC
I doubt he could disapprove of clothing you picked yourself. That doesn't sound very nice at all! [Clothes equals not getting sick and looking fashionable!]

No, he is not. Thankfully. [Pushes back a lock of red hair.] I am.

It would be best to relearn, then. This world is not safe for the innocent.


playwitchu November 5 2011, 21:37:11 UTC
(Are you sure that you trust her to pick out her own clothes?) He is nice though.

Why do you say that? (And yep, she is now in the company of the one that is on the top of to avoid list. No sudden movements.... No sudden movements...)

It shouldn't be hard to.

(Oh god, she is in so much trouble now AND THOSE TEETH! What to do and what if the other wants to eat her?!?! Ust stay calm, maybe he won't sense fear...)


redcinemareel November 5 2011, 22:27:59 UTC
[Grell will guide her. She has to start somewhere.

She nods at the statement.] He can be, yes.

Our superior can be a bit stuffy most times. I cannot fault him for doing his job.

Do you have a name, sweetie?


playwitchu November 6 2011, 00:00:50 UTC
(The art of fashion is a lost art.)

Not can be, he is.

Does he enjoy it?

(And it is now that Sai will learn forever what not to call Grell.)

Its Heather, sir. (How can she sneak away especially before Eric finds out.)


redcinemareel November 6 2011, 04:43:27 UTC
[It can always be found.]

...he isn't to everyone. You're lucky in that regard.

Does he enjoy his job? [That...is a very good question. Grell looks contemplative, and a bit somber, but shrugs.] Uncertain. He has worked rather hard to gain his position. Our line of work is rather difficult, so I can imagine how much that difficulty multiplies when managing others.

[Really? Sir? Ugh...]

...Ma'am, if you please.

[She walks over and examines the pieces of the doll, nodding softly.] Very nice work, Heather. Now, will you be going to that mall?


playwitchu November 6 2011, 05:08:28 UTC
[With someone like Grell, it is never lost.]

I have an idea as to why... [But not saying it to the wild animal.]

And you are saying that Eric doesn't work hard?

[She blinks at the correction and just goes to stare at Grell.... Just what part of that is female?]

Ah, yes si- I mean Ma'am! [She quickly flinches but watches Grell examine her work on the doll.... and then that question! She might be able to get away safe and sound.]

I will be! [And here, she goes to take a couple steps in the direction of the mall. Perfectly confident that she has managed to get away from the reaper.]


redcinemareel November 6 2011, 05:40:10 UTC
...I don't particularly blame him. [Waves her hand dismissively.] No matter.

Oh, Eric works very hard! I would trust him to get any job done. [She's being sincere about that. They may spat, but Eric is a hard worker, and does his missions well.]

[What part of Grell is MALE, exactly?]

Good to hear! [Smiles] Be sure to show me the fruits of your trip, hmm~? [Grell wouldn't follow unless asked. She isn't that crazed.]


playwitchu November 6 2011, 06:18:07 UTC
[She blinks and tilts her head at her.]

I am glad to hear that.

[Sai refuses to answer that on the grounds of fearing for her life.]

[She stops and tilts her head at her.] How should I get into contact with you?

[And now though... Something that has been on her mind since Grell isn't acting like one...]

Are you really a wild animal?


redcinemareel November 6 2011, 06:25:48 UTC
Ah, just simply contact me with these. [Shows off her red communicator.] You do have one, correct?

[...a wild animal...


Oh goodness! Where in the world did you hear that?!


playwitchu November 6 2011, 06:39:05 UTC
[Dude, you also have a red communicator.]

I do have one.

[She blinks as the reaper bursts out laughing.]

From someone... [Nope! Not gonna mention Eric's name. Though.... She is still learning Stranger Danger and she hasn't behaved like a wild animal.... Yet.]

.... [She goes to adjust her sweater again and goes to mumble something under her breath.]


redcinemareel November 6 2011, 06:52:38 UTC
Good! I hope you can use it.

Darling, only in battle do I unleash my carnal inner being. I'm no different than most other humans under duress.


playwitchu November 6 2011, 07:10:56 UTC
I can! [And here she goes to pout a little at Grell, trying to look upset and most likely failing.]

Duress? [What weird words are you speaking?]

.... Maybe you can help pick out some clothes.....


redcinemareel November 6 2011, 07:29:00 UTC
Then be sure to prove me wrong.

Ah...stress, in a sense. [The Queen's English.]

Oh~? Are you certain?


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