
Apr 02, 2016 21:03

Amazing windy day today! Gusts of 60 mph, steady gales of 30 mph or so. I think an F1 tornado starts at 75mph or something like that. I was at work, and a big tree came down and blocked the driveway to my nature center, so I had about 20 people trapped in the parking lot for half an hour, until maintenance got there with a chainsaw. Luckily no ( Read more... )

work, fish, rl

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Comments 6

madripoor_rose April 3 2016, 02:03:07 UTC
Ugh, weather! We got snow and a temperature drop into the 20s tonight. I still remember the windstorm where one of the old oaks out back fell and took out our fence and shed! Rain, sandy soil and wind are a bad combo.

Facepalm, hope you find replacement staff.

Sorry to hear about Redfish, hope the new guy settles in.


playswithworms April 4 2016, 00:37:47 UTC
Ack snow! D: Snow in April is just wrong. Giant falling trees are scary - people are always worried about the spiders and the snakes, they don't believe me when I say the most dangerous things in the park are the trees!

Me too! On the bright side, full-time naturalist positions are few and far between, so the hardest part of hiring (other than the red tape glacial hiring pace) will likely be choosing among several super awesome candidates.

Redfish lived a long and happy betta-life, far as I can tell ^^ Newfish is bee bopping around the tank, seems to be getting much better at this whole "swimming in ten gallons of space" thing.


tainry April 3 2016, 03:05:15 UTC
Wind! Ents falling! Oh dear!
And we're heading for the 80's F in a few days... Sigh.

Ack! Losing staff is a bummer! o.o

Aawwwww Redfish. u.u
Yay new red fish! :D


playswithworms April 4 2016, 00:54:50 UTC
Ents indeed! D:
80's yeep - right into summer full steam ahead. We've got freeze warnings, but no snow at least.

It really throws a wrench in the works! And even if they're super-qualified, new people take about a year before they get the hang of the park and procedures and get trained in all the programs and the thousand and one answers to different weird questions. It wouldn't be so bad if our hiring process was a little faster, though.

Poor Redfish - he seemed happy enough even in his last days, though, just hanging out in his moss nest. Newfish seems to be having a good time now in his new big tank - maybe I can think of a better creative name for him than Redfish the 2nd, lol.


rose0mary April 4 2016, 04:41:40 UTC
winds of 60 mph?
And I thought 30 mph was bad enough - though, I did like the fact that I could lean back and not worry about falling down. Did not enjoy having to fight that same wind when I was headed in the opposite direction.

Seems like Spring might be the second busiest hiring season - depending on where you work/what the job is. For outdoor stuff and plants, Spring is nature's Christmas rush.

Poor Redfish - at least he's helping make pretty things.
New Red Beta acclimating to bigger tank, good. (Still a lonely place, though).


playswithworms April 5 2016, 12:05:46 UTC
At least they weren't sustained winds of 60mph - just gusts every now and then. You're right, when that kind of wind is at your back, sure gives you a boost! Not so much the other way, lol.

The spring Christmas rush, exactly so!

I have had a lot of critters over the years become part of my gardens - Redfish is good company :)

I might move one of the two frogs from Bluestreak's tank over into new Redfish's tank. Bettas are pretty aggressive (their other name is Siamese Fighting Fish) so you can't put two in the same tank together and they'll pick on most other fish as well, but they don't bother the frogs.


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