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Comments 15

eerian_sadow March 11 2009, 03:51:48 UTC
oh what a sunggly looking bunny! some people are such morons to think that a domesticated animal is going to be able to survive on its own like that.


playswithworms March 12 2009, 00:09:04 UTC
She is the moast snuggly bunny I have ever snuggled, trufax! And yeah, people just don't think. I'm hoping they were just misguided, and not that they knew they were being cruel and just didn't care.


eerian_sadow March 12 2009, 03:48:51 UTC
i hope so too. i don't like to think badly of people like that, but i just know too many who just don't care about things like that. my cat, Little Bit, was one of those that the origonal owner likely just didn't care about; i found her outside, with no mother in sight, when she was small enough that all of her fit in the palm of my hand while she was standing up. (was a good thing i found her when i did, too, because we had a bad storm that night.)


playswithworms March 12 2009, 15:25:31 UTC
Awww, the itty bitty kitty! I'm so glad you rescued her <33333333


Awww~ greenangel March 11 2009, 04:11:40 UTC
Bunny is very cute 8)))

GRRR @ person or people that dumped it in the park >8/


Re: Awww~ playswithworms March 12 2009, 00:15:43 UTC
She's sooooooo cute! We let her out to hop around the office today, and she would come out and investigate everything, and then flop down in her crate for a nap <333333

and yeah, GRRRRRRRRRR - I can put up with many types of obnoxious park visitor, kinda comes with the job, but the pet-dumpers make me stomp and rant and shake my fist.


tainry March 11 2009, 06:52:01 UTC
Lucky bun! O.O


playswithworms March 12 2009, 00:19:59 UTC
Yeah, she sure was! It was just perfect timing, that I was leaving the park late and the visitor just happened to catch me in the parking lot walking out to my car.

One of my co-workers took the bunny home tonight, "just for one night" - soooomeone has a pet buuuunny raabitt hee hee :P


seikk March 11 2009, 13:13:41 UTC
I hate people. And she's such a sweet looking bunny, too! Your dogs must be having a field day XD

But, yeah, people = grr

Reminds me of the time some stupid idiot 'dumped' (read: according to the report by the only witness, literally tossed out of the car) three kittens in a half-abandoned park...

In the middle of an icestorm. That was going to get worse that night.

We managed to get all three of them with treats and passed them off to a cop-friend of my mom but...yeah.


playswithworms March 12 2009, 00:28:56 UTC
Hee hee - the dogs were completely ENTHRALLED, lol, it was pretty funny. Kettle even slept by the crate all night - luckily bunny seemed pretty ok with big slobbery dogs staring at her and whimpering everytime she moved.

TOSSED OUT OF THE CAR!!! ARGH! IN AN ICE STORM?!!! People. suck. Except there are enough people like you, awesome folk that go out of their way to help that I don't believe that, not really. I just don't understand sometimes *sigh* *snuggles kitties*


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playswithworms March 12 2009, 00:31:56 UTC
I know! She's such a wonderful bunny too - this isn't the first bunny that's been dumped in the park, and usually they're kind of skittery and hard to handle, like they haven't been cared for or held very much, but she is calm and cuddly and friendly and seems to have been well-cared for.


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playswithworms March 12 2009, 15:26:46 UTC
(I wish I did! I'm getting pretty swamped with work right now, alas, and it's only going to get busier.)


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