Oct 05, 2007 14:13
NAME: your text here.
GENDER: your text here.
AGE: your text here.
FAVOURITE CHARACTER: your text here.
FAVOURITE EPISODE: your text here.
ANYTHING ELSE: your text here.
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Comments 64
GENDER: Feeeeeemale
AGE: TWENTY omgwut.
FAVOURITE CHARACTER: Konata and Kagami, definately. XD They're amusing.
FAVOURITE EPISODE: Episode 22 hands DOWN. It was unbelievably amazing. I loved it, especially when Kanata's there visiting and the flashbacks and just. EVERYTHING.
FAVOURITE ASPECT OF SERIES: The sheer randomness. And the opening theme....and the dance in the final ep.
ANYTHING ELSE: I AM MOD, HEAR ME ROAR I have a huge addiction to The Sims 2 currently and may or may not end up posting about it. x3; Also also: I LOEV THE PHOENIX WRIGHT GAMES. And the delicious smut that comes from the fandom. And and and I'm also a HUGE Tsukihime fan. D: Does anybody else here like that? Also: I'M CRAZEH. CRAZY LIEK A FOX. 8D
....and I'm shutting up now ktxh. |D
GENDER: Female
AGE: Potato
FAVOURITE CHARACTER: It's a close tie between Miyuki and Konata. :3
FAVOURITE EPISODE: The one when they went to a convention. XD That was hilarious. ♥
FAVOURITE ASPECT OF SERIES: It points out things in reality that I, myself, find that people don't want to talk about because they make think it's weird. (^^;;)
ANYTHING ELSE: I like making clay models, painting...just mostly anything having to do with "the arts"! O(≧∇≦)O
A few lines are hard to summarize me, but I'd rather be a lot of laughs and fun instead of an angry, venting person. XD;
Yaoi/Yuri anyone? :D
GENDER: Female =3
AGE: sixteen.
FAVOURITE CHARACTER: Akira(<3 her random moodswings) and Kona-chan \(^-^)/
FAVOURITE EPISODE: I love all. :D All was funny and cute <3~
FAVOURITE ASPECT OF SERIES: I think it's unique. I think the Lucky Channel makes it more outstanding than the other series xD They are also many scenes that teaches us the Japan culture and traditions~
ANYTHING ELSE: Erm, I hope there's season two like School Rumble. ^^" I'd also love to meet all Lucky☆Star fans :D
NAME: Rena like the psycho, paranoid, machette-weilding cutie in Higurashi ^___^
GENDER: Whoa, are we ALL females???
AGE: 314,159 years young, dammit
FAVOURITE CHARACTER: That's like asking what my favorite episode is Well, I love them all :3 Konata must be #1 though, not only because she is relatable and loveable, she makes the best Haruhi impersonation XD Probably tied in second would be Kagami and Tamura-san, the mad-awesome fanartist (who reminds me that there are other people in the world as well who think of their friends in the most perverted situations). Oh! And KONATA'S DAD! ♥ My favorite pedophile in the world :D
FAVOURITE EPISODE: That's like asking who my favorite character is. 19, 22, 24. I bet these numbers will win me the lotto ;D OMG those 3 episodes were the best EVER.
FAVOURITE ASPECT OF SERIES: the humor, the anime refereces, the endless babbling, the randomness, the Hirano Aya-ness! X3 This show has everything I need to survive. Definitely right up there with oxygen.
ANYTHING ( ... )
*Would also like to hug The Office cast plus get all of their autographs*
You seem to be full of awesomes, mind if I add? :O
Yays to The Office! Add away :D
*adds back*
But anyway, you equal win for using ~ Wanna be friends? :D
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