Title: Habits Pairing/Characters: Arthur/Eames Vitals: PG, 500 words, unbeta’d Summary: A part of his mind tells him that you can’t quit a person the same way you can quit nicotine
For some reason, this made me think of Wicked Game by Chris Issac - "what a wicked game, to make me dream of you" just popped on into my head.
And, far more importantly, why isn't there an A/E vid for that yet? What am I missing?
I'll take 3000 for the back story and 1500 for the happy resolution. jk, I'll take this as a "floating moment", to insert into any number of other possible tales. Many thanks.
No, don't say that! It would be a thing of beauty and you could bring it into existence, making the world a better place. I haven't the skills, but you, you have the power to create something wonderful.
Comments 10
And, far more importantly, why isn't there an A/E vid for that yet? What am I missing?
I'll take 3000 for the back story and 1500 for the happy resolution. jk, I'll take this as a "floating moment", to insert into any number of other possible tales. Many thanks.
No, don't say that! It would be a thing of beauty and you could bring it into existence, making the world a better place. I haven't the skills, but you, you have the power to create something wonderful.
Is this working? ;)
And I'll try and imagine a happy ending..:'(
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