Title: The First Five Times Pairing: Jongkey Rating: PG, for swearing and kissing (COOTIES) Genre: romance Summary: The first five kisses between Jonghyun and Key ( And every day, it's changed since then )
Yeah, he probably would XD MAYBE THAT'S WHY HE KISSED KEY. It was all part of his plot.
Hm, yeah, I took that line out and put it back in a million times. I'm still on the fence orz.
Yeah, he needs the comfort. ;_; But yeah, that's what I was going for. I really feel that he cared for her, even though Jongkey is my forever otp, and since they dated for quite a few months I can see him being really upset about it.
Thanks! I know that a lot of people do things in groups of five, so that could be where the familiarity is coming from~ At least I hope I'm not accidentally copying someone o_o
Comments 7
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I wanna write more of them being drunk, because it's adoraballs and sexy and just really fun to write. :D
Thank you! I was nervous posting this since I haven't really written in a long time. :D
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Hm, yeah, I took that line out and put it back in a million times. I'm still on the fence orz.
Yeah, he needs the comfort. ;_; But yeah, that's what I was going for. I really feel that he cared for her, even though Jongkey is my forever otp, and since they dated for quite a few months I can see him being really upset about it.
Thank you for your comment~!!
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I dont know...
But i enjoyed this nonetheles... :)
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