Title: When I Did Not Know You So Well Pairing: Jongkey Rating: R Genre: romance, sort of angst Summary: "I could tell you exactly when I fell, it was back when I did not know you so well"
Ahhh, this was written really well. It was really refreshing. You have got skills! I'm so very curious as to how you interpret Jonghyun's relationship with Kibum after he starts dating Se Kyung. I really would like to know how you see it ;__; I mean...it would...be a nice... Coughcoughsequelcoughcough. LOL perhaps I am asking too much but I just would love to see how you'd write that!
This was really good and just very lovely :♪(´ε` )
Comments 7
This was really good and just very lovely :♪(´ε` )
Ohoho, lucky that I already have a sequel flitting around in my head
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Yeah, as much as I love living in a dreamworld where they can live happily ever after...I know in my heart of hearts that it's not likely ;_;
Thank you for commenting :D
Watching Kibum with Yoogeun is a constant reminder of what they will never have. ;_______; heartbreaking.
Seriously, this is awesome. It feels so real. I loved it. Thank you for writing such an awesome fic!
Writing this whole thing made me sad. I just listened to sad music and drank wine and had all the feelings.
I'm glad it feels real! That's what I was going for. ^^
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