If you could change one thing about the world, what would it be? I would make it easier for people of different cultures to interact with one another. I think far too many people are ignorant, and that if we were put into more diverse environments at an early age, then there would be much less hate in the world. Tolerance is desperately needed in this world, and our system of nations that seem to be completely seperate from one another do nothing to help that cause.
What makes a person respectable? In order for someone to earn my respect, I need to see them show respect to others, as cheesy as that sounds. I can't stand it when people put others down with obnoxious comments and I hate it when people are cruel for no reason. Also, a person needs to maintain a certain amount of respect for themselves. If I see someone sucking up to others just to be their friend, or a girl completely throwing herself at a guy, it's enough to make me sick. I think that people really need to maintain a certain amount of dignity, because I think that the biggest mistake someone can make is making themselves out to be less of a person than they really are. I've always believed that one of the greatest aspects of life is the potential we have as human beings for great things, and if someone doesn't try their hardest to be the best that they can be, then they don't deserve my respect.
What do you look for in a friend? To me, the best kind of friend is one who will be there to laugh with me until I cry, and will also be there to make me laugh when I'm crying.I have to be able to feel completely comfortable with someone so I can act like a complete idiot, singing songs from Fame at the top of my lungs without worrying what they'll think about me. There's just no other kind of friend I could have- if I can't be myself around a person because I think they might judge me, then I really don't want to be around them at all.
What are your hobbies? I'm a big theatre girl- I act, sing, and dance..all that good stuff. The stage is like my second home, and I absolutely love being in the spotlight. I'm a complete ham and I'm not afraid to admit it! Also, I play tennis for my school. I love that sport because it takes so much concentration that I feel like I'm getting more out of it than just exercise.Plus, I enjoy the tennis skirts immensely :-P
Have or would you give time and money to a charity? If I had money to spare, which I unfortunately don't, I would absoultely give to charity. I think that people in this world can't open their eyes to the fact that there are those who suffer all over the planet, and that so much is needed to help them. I plan to donate my time and money as soon as I get the opportunity to do so.
What is the one thing you would most like to accomplish? I'd like to get a good college education and find myself a job that I love. Right now, I have no idea what I want to pursue, but I know the perfect career is out there for me somewhere. I can't wait to expereince that feeling of success and satisfaction that I'd get going to work everyday. However, in the end, all I really want is to be happy. I don't want to die regretting any part of my life.
Who is your role model? There are soo many people that I look up to for different aspects of my life...I look up to actresses like Bette Midler for acting and singing, and Serena Williams for tennis. I don't really have a definitive role model figure in my life, because, like I said, I draw inspiration from many different people. But, someone who I've always admired is my neighbor and family friend, Toby. She overcame polio as a child and has battled so many obstacles, and she's got an amazing personality. She has always been kind to me and treated me like her own daughter, and even though she's old enough to be my mother, I can have so much fun with her. Whether it's chatting with her about theatre or watching her get buzzed at New Years, she's always a great person to be around.
What trait most annoys you about other people?I hate, hate, HATE it when people are cocky and brag about themselves. No one wants to hear people talk about how great they are, that conversation is completely one sided and could be done in front of a mirror. If someone really is great enough to be worthy of such praise, then they should be hearing it from other people, not from their own mouth. Bragging accomplishes nothing.
What do you want to do for a living?As I said before, I don't really know what I want to pursue. I know I want to travel, because I'm so interested in learning about and experiencing other cultures. I want to see the world and fill my life with amazing expereinces. Is that too much to ask? I hope not, because I do plan on making it happen.
If your friend was attacked (by a person, animal, or (in the magic world) beast), what would you do? I would be scared, I'm not going to lie, but I would call for help and try my hardest to save my friend. Hopefully, my mind would be working quick enough to come up with the best way to get out of the situation, and I would fight tooth and nail to save them. I would never abandon my friend in their time of need.
Would you ever use an Unforgivable Curse for any reason? I would only use one if it was the only option to protect myself or my loved ones. But, since there normally is another alternative, I could never see myself using one of the Unforgivable Curses. I don't think I would be able to bring up enough hatred inside of me for one of them to be effective, anyways.
What do you think are your top five abilities or qualities? My strongest quality would have to be my personable nature. I can seriously hold up a conversation with a random stranger, and it doesn't really phase me at all. Making new friends has never been a problem for me. My second strongest quality is my intelligence. School has always been rather easy for me, and concepts have never really been difficult for me to understand, and for that I am very fortunate. Thirdly, I would have to say my singing ability is one of my strongsuits. I just discovered a few years ago that I could actually sing, and since then it's all that I ever do. Fourth, I think that my optimism is one of my better qualities. I always try really hard to find the bright light in every situation, and I don't let little disappointments get me down. Life is too precious to waste being sad! Finally, I believe I have good speaking skills. I'm not afraid to voice my opinion and I feel like I'm a fairly articulate person. I like giving my input in discussions, and giving speeches can actually be fun for me sometimes!
What do you think are your top five weaknesses or worst qualities? My worst quality is my tendency to get jealous. Sometimes, I devote myself so entirely to the idea of something, and if I don't get it, it just kills me, which is where jealousy of others can kick in. Secondly, I tend to procrastinate and put things off until the last minute. Granted, I work well under pressure, but it's still a habit that I need to kick. Another weakness of mine is my inabily to run. I am perhaps the worst runner that I know, and I was voted "most likely to be found asking to run fewer laps" for tennis. I hate it, and I don't see the point of running at all. Another flaw is my lack of artistic talent. Stick figures are my best friend when it comes to art, and I can't really improve much beyond that. Finally, if I haven't gotten enough sleep, I can get pretty cranky in the mornings. My parents have learned to avoid me and ask as few questions as possible, because they don't much like being snapped at to start of their day.
Define in your own words the following key traits:
Courage:The willingness to accept fear and realize that it is only an emotion, and that it does not have the capacity to hold us back. Those who have courage can still be afraid, but they overcome those feelings to do what is really important.
Loyalty: Staying true to those you love and never failing to be by their side when they need you.
Intelligence: The ability to take information that is presented and trasnform it into something useful. True intelligence can't be measured, it is something that exists when someone keeps a completely open mind and uses knowledge to express their opinions and beliefs.
Ambition: The inner drive and sheer stubborness to accept anything that gets in the way of goals.
What house do you think DOESN'T fit you? (This question is optional for those who feel they just DO NOT fit in a house. Please explain WHY.)
Where did you find out about us?From Jacquie, one of your fabulous members!