Aug 27, 2007 00:41
- What sort of profession in the wizarding world would you choose and why?
If I could choose any profession in the wizarding world, I rather like the idea of being a Professor at Hogwarts (or some other school of witchcraft and wizardry). If I feel passionate about something then I like to share it with those around me, and what better way than to impart knowledge into young minds? Plus, I love kids and teens; I love working with them; I love being around them. I actually taught children’s church for about a year and a half at my church, so I already have some “teaching experience”.
- If you could teach one class at Hogwarts, what would it be and why?
If I could teach one class at Hogwarts it would be Transfiguration, hands down. I have been fascinated with the subject from the first book. I love the idea of taking something and transforming it into something completely different. It is not as easy as it sounds, according to the first book, but it is a talent that could come in handy and could save lives if used correctly. My students would learn to use magic not only for their own personal gain, but also for the good of those around them.
- This year, The TriWizard Tournament is being held once again and you're of age. Do you put your name in the Goblet? Why or why not?
I am not a person who particularly likes being in the spotlight, so for that reason I am going to say no, I would not put my name in the Goblet of Fire. I think participating in the Tournament would be fun and challenging, but with that many sets of eyes on me I am afraid that my mind would not be able to focus on the task at hand.
Now, if the TriWizard Tournament was a private affair, and the challenge’s only spectators were the judges and officials, then I would place my name in the Goblet without a second thought!
- If you could choose your animagus form, what would it be and why?
If I could choose my animagus form, it would have to be an eagle. I have always loved eagles. They are such majestic birds, and I think that they are so beautiful. They are considered ‘the king of birds’, and have many great characteristics such as: patience, grace, courage, dependability, determination, integrity, and faithfulness. Also, they fly at higher altitudes than any other bird, which would provide a quick and easy getaway from dark wizards and others who might wish me harm. All in all, they are smart and resourceful birds, and I would not mind becoming one.
- What HP character do you identify with most and why?
I identify with two characters, and since I can not seem to pick between them, I will list them both for you. I hope this is okay. (All traits of the following characters are traits that I see in myself. I thought making the list in the way that I did would be more fun and less redundant than if I continually repeated “I identify with *blank* because he/she and I both *blank*. For instance, if I say that Hermione is headstrong, what I really mean to say is that Hermione and I are both headstrong. Confused? I hope not.)
Neville Longbottom- I see a lot of myself in Neville, which is part of the reason that he is my favorite character. (And has been since the beginning, thankyouverymuch. I am not jumping on the bandwagon simply because of his coolness in the last book. Sorry, rant over. I just hate that people are jumping on the “we love Neville“ bandwagon just because he killed the snake.) I think that Neville has a longing to belong. He does not quite know his place in the scheme of things, but he knows that he wants a place. He is loyal, trustworthy, and not afraid to stand up for what he knows is right. He is brave when the situation demands, and he is always ready to rise to any challenge. He can be klutzy and scatterbrained, but not all the time. He is never the center of attention (except for when he stands up to Voldemort!), and this does not seem to bother him. He knows that it is okay to be himself, and he does not try to be anything that he is not.
Luna Lovegood- I also see myself in Luna and identify with her. Luna and I both share a sense of childlike wonder, as well as a belief in things that others might find foolish. I see Luna as an outsider, much like myself. She is a dreamer; she sees the world through different eyes. She is very smart, and I think that she is much more than a loon or a brain, thought she is often written off as such. People do not give her a chance. Underneath her exterior there is a person who is so much more than she is given credit for. She is often misunderstood, but that is okay because it does not matter what others think of her. I can picture Luna thinking, as I sometimes think, “Who cares what people that I do not want to be like think of me?”. She is very comfortable with who she is, and she is not going to change for anyone but herself.
- What would you see if you looked into the Mirror of Erised?
Gazing into the Mirror of Erised, the first thing I notice is that I am wearing scrubs and a white lab coat. I am healthy and beautiful, not a drop overweight. There is a worn notepad in my hand, so I must be writing again. My parents are standing behind me, grinning and waving. They do not seem to have a care in the world. My eyes drop and I notice a small girl tugging on my pants leg. She is a little miracle; my chosen one from China. (I have always dreamed of adopting a baby girl from there.) I stare at myself, my parents, and my little girl. All is right with the world.
- If you won a million dollars, how would you spend it?
If I won a million dollars the first thing I would do is give 10% to my church. Next, I would pay my parents back for all they have done for me in the past 21 years. I would buy them a house in the country. My dad would finally get the pickup truck he has wanted since they have been married. My mom would get a Mercedes, or whatever car struck her fancy. I would see to it that neither of them ever had to work again. Then I would start to do for myself. I would buy that Honda Civic I have been wanting. Heck, I would probably get something nicer. I would get a nice little house close to my parents. I love books, so they would probably be my only real indulgence. I would invest a lot into a nice library room to house my collection (600+ as of last count). Then I would invest the rest into my future.
- What was your ideal job as a kid? Has that changed? What is your ideal job now?
From the time I was around 11 until I turned 17 I wanted to be a Forensic Pathologist. What a weird child I was, I know. It was Scully that influenced me. She made it look so cool! When I finished high school I realized that my parents nor I could ever afford to send me to college/medical school for the many years that it would take for this occupation. As of now, I am in college to be an R.N. Not exactly the same, but it will do. Maybe one day when I am nursing and making good money I can go back to school again.
- If you were able to invent one spell, potion, or charm, what would it do, what would you use it for or how would you use it, and what would you call it?
I know this probably is not very original, but I would invent a potion to be used as a temporary confidence booster. The name of the potion would be “Fiducia Proventus”, or roughly “confidence increased” in Latin. The boost would last for two hours, and the potion could only be drunk once every three months. This would prevent people from abusing the potion. It is meant to be used only when there is a great need.
- If you were to face a boggart, what would it turn into? And what does it turn into when you throw the counter-spell, Riddikulus?
If I faced a boggart it would turn into my one of my college professors. It would laugh at me and tell me that I do not have what it takes to be a nurse. It would say that I am stupid- not smart enough to do anything with my life. It would show me papers graded with Cs and Ds and tell me that I am a failure. It would tell me that all women are good for is taking care of a family and being a baby machine. When I (finally!) got over my crippling fear and cast Riddikulus the image would *pop!* like an over-inflated balloon and the boggart/professor would be sitting on his rear end, looking up at me with a highly confused expression on it’s face, as graded A papers flew all over the place.
Then I would rip it to shreds for making me feel that incompetent.
- What do you look for in a friend?
There are several qualities that I look for in my friends. (Maybe this is why I do not have many; I am too picky.) I want a friend that I can trust; trust is everything to me. My trust has been broken by “friends” too many times for me to be careless about who I confide in. Next on the list is respect. I want a friend who, even if he/she does not always agree with me, respects my opinions and beliefs. I do not want to be looked down upon because of the company I keep. Therefore, I want to be surrounded by people of character; morals are important to me. Intelligence is something nice to have in a friend, but also someone who knows how to have a good time.
- What trait most annoys you about other people?
I can not stand judgmental people. I have been judged by others my whole life, based on a plethora of standards, and I have grown accustomed to it. It does not bother me like it once did. However, it bothers me so badly when I see other people being judged unfairly.
Yes, sometimes I do find myself quite the hypocrite. I have caught myself judging based on appearance, or manners, or social skills, but never do I vocalize my judgments. I am a good Southern girl. I know my manners, and I am well acquainted with Thumper‘s words (“If you can’t say something nice, don’t say nothing at all.”).
- What do you think are your top five abilities or qualities?
1. I am a perfectionist. I am driven to succeed at whatever I put my hand to. I have to be the best. This has helped me do well in high school, college, and life in general. If a job can not be done with excellence, I would rather not do it at all.
2. I am smart. Not trying to brag here, but I do pride myself on my mental capacities. I got a 4.0 GPA in high school, and am doing well so far in college life. I am a studier, not a partygoer. I love to learn, and I take schoolwork very seriously. (Sometimes too seriously.)
3. I am accepting of others. I may not agree with a person’s choices, or lifestyle, but I will never make that person feel badly because of who he/she is, or what he/she does.
4. I am generous. If I find that anyone is in need, I’ll do whatever I can to help. I do not hesitate to give of my time and monetary resources.
5. I am an eternal optimist. I am always looking for the bright side to any situation. I try to cheer up those around me when they are feeling down. I feel that there is always something to be thankful for.
- What do you think are your top five weaknesses or worst qualities?
1. I am a perfectionist. Yes, I know. I listed this as a good quality also. I often think my perfectionism is my best and worst trait. It drives me crazy to admit that I am not perfect at everything I attempt. I often come down really hard on myself if I feel my grades are not up to par.
2. I am slightly lazy. My ideal day would be spent lounging around the house, reading a book, or watching a good movie. I am not much for the manual labor.
3. I am impatient. I do not like to wait for anything. I often get antsy if I am forced into a position where I must exercise patience.
4. I expect much of people. I assume because I expect so much from my own self, this carries over to what I expect of those around me. My standards are generally set incredibly high.
5. I am not Suzy Homemaker. I do not cook very well. My idea of cooking is throwing a pizza in the oven, or making chili dogs on the stovetop. My idea of “clean” probably is not most people’s. I am not a slob, but I am definitely not a neat freak. For the most part, small messes do not bother me. I let dirty clothes pile for days on end before I wash them. (I guess this answer traces back to the slightly lazy one…)
- Define in your own words the following key traits:
- Courage: Courage is standing up for something, even if you find that you are standing alone. It does not mean the absence of fear, but an ability to push through that fear.
- Loyalty: Loyalty is being true to yourself and the ones you love. To be loyal is to be dependable and faithful.
- Intelligence: Intelligence is more than just book-smarts. It is a thirst for knowledge. It is knowing when to speak and when to be silent.
- Ambition: Ambition is setting goals and doing whatever it takes to meet them. It is a drive that pushes one towards power and success in life.
- Name: Ashley
- Age: 21
- Where did you find out about us? I did a search for ‘sorting’, and this community jumped out at me. It seems to be very active, and I’d like to be a part. You guys seem to have a lot of fun!
sorted: ravenclaw,
term viii