Jul 16, 2007 19:12
If you could teach one class at Hogwarts, what would it be and why?
Potions. I remember being 5 years old and mixing all the hair supplies my mom had in her cabinets together to create some form of “potion” that I would then show my mom, and she would get mad as hell about it. I like mixing things, making things…I’m a very hands on person, I guess you could say. And with all the different types of potions out there, I could mess around with them for hours and hours. I don’t know, it just seems like a fun topic to teach.
This year, The TriWizard Tournament is being held once again and you're of age. Do you put your name in the Goblet? Why or why not?
No, not at all. I’m a very adventurous person, but there are some things I just could not do, and that includes the TriWizard Tournament. It’s just too…dangerous & scary for my taste. Plus the prizes don’t interest me either, and it’d be A LOT of pressure on my back, if I was chosen…I don’t think I could handle that. I have my limits, and if I did put my name in there and was picked, I would probably run for the hills, aha.
If you could choose your animagus form, what would it be and why?
Bunny rabbit. My next door neighbor has a little family of bunnies living in her backyard, and they are just fascinating little things. Not to mention they’re downright adorable. Just the way they hop, and nibble on the grass…its so cute!. They also seem kinda hyper, which is some quality I have in myself at times, though that’s died down in the past few years…
What HP character do you identify with most and why?
I was going to say Luna Lovegood, but then I realized that in the past couple of years, I’ve changed from the Luna Lovegood type of person. So I actually think im more like Neville now. People aren’t very nice to him, same as me, and his grandma is kinda a pompous asshole, like my parents are. I really do see a lot of similarities between him & I, and there are still some over in the Luna category, just my Neville side wins out in the end.
What would you see if you looked into the Mirror of Erised?
I think I would see my self in Chicago. Right now, more then anything, I just want to get out of the house, even though im only 14. I’ve already decided that I want to go to college in Chicago, and its pretty much my dream city. I just like to think to the future whenever I’m sad, and I realize I’ll be out of hicktown Pennsylvania, and In this great big city.
If you won a million dollars, how would you spend it?
I hate this question whenever its asked to me, because I generally don’t know, and the answer changes from time to time. At one point I said I would donate it to Deal or No Deal…but really, if I had a million dollars…
I’d probably spend a bunch of it on materialistic desires- going to see a taping of the Oprah Winfrey show, going to see a few musicals on Broadway (Hairspray & Avenue Q, much?) and clothing, all that stuff that everybody pretty much wants.
A little of it would go to charity, too. Because if I didn’t have that, it would make me sound like a bitch. Not that charities aren’t important, I just really don’t see the need in them. And everyone is going to shoot me for saying that…
I’d give some to my parents, because god knows they need it. With putting my brother through college, buying two new cars this year (since were giving one to my brother, one broke down, and the other is high on gas milage…) they’re really working on a tight budget. I’d probably buy them a nice house, too.
What was your ideal job as a kid? Has that changed? What is your ideal job now?
I think when I was in kindergarten, it was to be an artist, but that didn’t last long. So I’ll go with the one that took up most of my child years - acting.
Now that im 14, I’m way more realistic about my goals, and to be honest - I don’t really have the chops for acting anymore. I get stage fright, and the past two years I’ve tried out for the school play, I didn’t get a part. So acting just isn’t for me.
My ideal job now though, is to be a fashion designer. I love clothes. Love them, love them, love them. I doodle shirt designs in class, read through Elle and Teen Vogue, try to keep up with all the current fashions…I know I probably wont get far in life with this career, but it’s something I enjoy to do, and even if I end up just running a small boutique, I’d be happy with my choice.
If you were able to invent one spell, potion, or charm, what would it do, what would you use it for or how would you use it, and what would you call it?
To be honest, I wouldn’t want to invent any spell or whatever. There are enough of them out there, all of them already doing what I would create. (Polyjuice Potion, the-truth-potion-that’s-name-is-slipping-me-right-now…) I’m a snoop if you couldn’t tell from that, aha. But for real, I cant think of anything that hasn’t been done already. :/
Though I think naming a spell something like “Huffleumpagus” would be pretty darn rad. Just saying.
If you were to face a boggart, what would it turn into? And what does it turn into when you throw the counter-spell, Riddikulus?
The boggart would turn into a horror movie star - Freddy, Jason, Mike Myers, Chucky, etc, since those guys scare me shitless. I seriously cant even go to bed at 4 in the morning and walk through my house without creeping out that one of them is going to come kill me.
As for them w/ Riddikulus - they’d all be wearing drag. Nothing better then men in drag…
What do you look for in a friend?
Well, they have to be good listeners. And funny, since I whine about a lot of things in my life, and I get depressed easily, so I’d need some cheering up. They’d need to be trustworthy, and not so self-absorbed so that they would put me over say - a rock concert (sorry, that just happened to me, and im traveling all the way from Pennsylvania to Wisconsin to v isit, and the person’s going to Warped Tour instead. :/) They also have to like to have a good time - ‘cause whats the point of sitting around being depressed and waiting for the world to end?
What trait most annoys you about other people?
Arrogance. Again with the story up there, When I talked to the person about it, they were so…arrogant, and pretty much said “I’m going, get over it. I’m not being a bitch, I’m being REAL.” When people think that they’re so much better then someone else, it just annoys me to no end. I try and view everyone as an equal, even though nobody returns the favor to me most of the time. The only person I place higher then myself is Oprah Winfrey, because she’s just that hardcore.
What do you think are your top five abilities or qualities?
hm. This is hard to think about.
I’m creative. I like to write stories, poems, paint pictures, pretty much anything under that category. Like I said above, I love to design shirts and everything, it’s just the main thing of who I am. I get bored, I write, draw, etc.
I’m smart, in the book way. I love to read, love it. Though I hate thinking things out (ESPECIALLY math and science.) I love to curl up in bed and read a chapter or two of my favorite book before I fall asleep (in fact, right now its HBP.)
I’m also A Good Listener. Even if I don’t give out good advice, I’ll at least listen to your problem and give you cookies and a hug over it?
I’ve got a good sense of humor - I like to laugh and joke around a lot, but not when the time isn’t right. ‘cause then people get mad at you, and I don’t like it when people are mad at me. :/
And lastly, I’m loyal. I stick by what I say when I mean it. Example, I was teased merciously by a “friend” last year over a few bands that I enjoy. But did that stop me from listening to them? No. I try to hold my head high (and my heart.) though situations, and I would NEVER betray and friend and their trust in me.
What do you think are your top five weaknesses or worst qualities?
I can lie right through my teeth, its almost disgusting. I’m a pathological liar, which pretty much means I lie for no apparent reason, and its gotten me in a lot of trouble over the past years, and I’ve lost a bunch of friends because of it.
I’m a snoop like I mentioned before. I like to pry into things, find out where my parents hide stuff, sneak through my brothers room, etc…I just cant help it. I get into other people’s business way too much, it’s a habit I need to stop.
I’ve got a huge temper, so much that I scream and cry and yell at everyone when im upset. I think I woke the whole neighborhood up two nights ago because of something that went wrong. I think I inherit that from my dad, because he gets mad all the time and hits me, yells at me, etc…
I’m self destructive, and I put myself down a lot. I just don’t see why people like me so much, and I’ve got such low self esteem from being bullied for 4 years in a row now, over things from my hair, to my personality, to what I wear. It’s sickening.
and last but not least, im also very shy, at least when you first get to know me. It’s taken me over 2 years to finally be able to open up to some of my very best friends, and don’t even get me started around boys or large groups of people. I get very quiet and I start shaking and yeah - not one of my strong points.
Define in your own words the following key traits:
Courage: Being able to do something, even with fear or nervousness, no matter what.
Loyalty: Sticking up for your friends, and being a good person, not losing sight of who you are.
Intelligence: being smart, being able to be reasonable in tough situations.
Ambition: wanting, and achieving what you want, whatever the cost of the situation.
Name: Ali
Age: 14
Where did you find out about us? a friend of mine.
term viii,
sorted: gryffindor