- What sort of profession in the wizarding world would you choose and why?
Considering the sheer range of possibilities? I'd probably want to write new spells. Experimental theology. I'd be the one in the corner trying to make magic and science work together, the one constantly trying to make up my own spells and potions all throughout school... I suppose anything creative. I suppose I could still be a writer, or a singer, or something else creative, but that's not something exclusive to the wizarding world. I could be a decent Weird Sister though.
- If you could teach one class at Hogwarts, what would it be and why?
Astronomy, hands down. There's nothing I like more - at least, as far as classes go. My major is astrophysics/chemistry, so... yeah. I've been obsessed with astronomy since I was about two. I've even taught Astronomy in Hogwarts roleplays before. x.x' I would probably go nuts trying to teach Potions - because remembering my chemistry class, and the way everyone complained about how hard it was, I have NO idea how Mr. Fell didn't throttle us all. And I don't know how Snape copes, either. But the Astronomy? At least then most of the kids will... kinda pay attention.
- This year, The TriWizard Tournament is being held once again and you're of age. Do you put your name in the Goblet? Why or why not?
Nope. Sorry, fame and glory are not my thing. Besides, I'd rather not put my name in, and reassure myself that if I had I'd've been chosen, than to put my name in and be dissapointed. I like all my pretty little self delusions.
Besides, why on earth would I want to run around competing against people for... a big trophy? Whoopty-doo. I'm not very competitive, at all, and... well. I'd rather spend the time reading. Plus, I've never been popular, or even at all liked, and the Goblet would reject me out of sheer peer pressure. That, and because I'm really no hero.
- If you could choose your animagus form, what would it be and why?
Well, to be honest, I'd be a cat. Butt-licking, imperious, self-important, sunshine-laying, lazy, demanding, bratty, and yet still perfect cat. ^_^ I wouldn't have owners, I'd have staff. Plus I'd be able to see in the dark better and stuffs. I've always loved cats; always recognized certain qualities of them in myself.
That, and to just claim my totem animal as my Animagus form - the turtle - would really kind of suck. x.x'' Though with my luck it'd be what I'd get, if I couldn't choose.
- What HP character do you identify with most and why?
Sirius Black, hands down. The odd one out of his family, snarky, always in trouble with his best friend... See, back in high school there were four of us, and we pretty much were the Marauders. My best friend would have been James, my girlfriend at the time Remus, and another good friend of ours Peter. Sans the betrayal... cept she lives in Pittsburgh now. So maybe it was betrayal. XD
But the group dynamic was the same. I was brash and violent and short tempered, Betsy was always at my side; my girlfriend was quiet and reserved and shy, but underneath had a very dark nature; and Ashley followed us around like we held the keys to the universe.
So I've always felt a real connection to Sirius - just because I see so much of myself in him. I do stupid things, I'm notoriously immature, and I really do manage to get into a lot of trouble.
However, a lot of other people have compared me to Harry. I will never understand this.
- What would you see if you looked into the Mirror of Erised?
Allow me to be frank: I'd see a giant pile o' money. Petty, I know, but I've been poor too long not to want to be able to never have to worry about money again. I'd buy a giant house and have all my friends move in. It'd be a neverending party. ^_^
Oh, and in the pile of money would be a very handsome man who would love me despite my flaws.
You -asked-.
- If you won a million dollars, how would you spend it?
A place to live, a haven for myself and some of my friends; I'd buy a bunch of books, more cats, probably a lot of liquor for a party... and likely save the rest, for more books and cats later. I mean, I'd like to spend it on PRACTICAL things first, like a car... but a million dollars would go far enough that I could get some ridiculous crap too, like a life sized cutout of Jack Sparrow.
Oh, wait, I already have one of those.
- What was your ideal job as a kid? Has that changed? What is your ideal job now?
I wanted to be a rock star, or an astronaut, depending on the day of the week. I've always been hugely into music - I write songs and lyrics, I sing, I... half-assedly play guitar and piano - and I've always wanted to get my message out to the world. LOVE AND PEACE! XD
I'd still love to be a rock star. Although I think I would also like to be a taste-tester for Godiva Chocolates. ^____^
There was also a stretch of time I wanted to be a stripper. x.x' I'd still do it now, too. Well, if I had the body. Poledancing is -fun-.
- If you were able to invent one spell, potion, or charm, what would it do, what would you use it for or how would you use it, and what would you call it?
Oh! I've actually created some - for contests in other comms, for use in fanfiction, etc. - and I think the most fun one was Delusion Serum.
Delusion Serum is a potion that involves lots of faerie dust, and its end result is this: The person who takes it begins to appear to others as the thing others most desire. It's sort of like bottled Erised. It actually sounds kind of dumb to explain it here, but Troy and Indy had a lot of fun with it. (It's... gotta be toward the end. It's worth reading despite the script format, really. Gods know I had tonsofun RPing it.)
Also, there is an aphrodisiac called Kolar that renders a person totally desperate; they remember little the next day and have no self control while under the influence. It's like a magical roofie. Not exactly Potterverse, but I'm sure it would have an equivalent.
For something totally new, though, I'd probably invent a search engine for real life. "Where're my KEYS?!"
- If you were to face a boggart, what would it turn into? And what does it turn into when you throw the counter-spell, Riddikulus?
Uh, I actually don't know. Possibly my father. Maybe just a big cloud of darkness. I really don't KNOW what my worst fear is. I want to face a boggart just so I can figure it out.
I'd probably Riddikulus it into a plushie of some form. Possibly a Pikachu.
- What do you look for in a friend?
What does -anyone- look for in a friend? Someone to understand them, to hang out, to be there when needed, to laugh when it's fun; to trust, to love, to share your life with. Like a soulmate without the sex. And ther're different degrees of friendship, too; I suppose for all of them I have to find someone I can have fun with, who can accept me for being off the wall, who in fact appreciates more than anything else my being off the wall. I tend to scare normal people.
- What trait most annoys you about other people?
Probably my immaturity, or my little-sister-annoyance factor. I'm very good at getting on peoples' nerves just for the sake of getting on their nerves. But I'm also rather bad about trying to figure out my own flaws, so... maybe this is a question I'm not answering well. I can be extremely loud, cocky, sarcastic, and overly flippant. Very foppish behavior. I suspect people dislike my attitude as a whole.
- What do you think are your top five abilities or qualities?
Um. Weeeeell... I always have trouble thinking of my good qualities, too. x.x' I suppose I'm very creative - I write a lot, there's a planet in my head, tons of roleplaying characters and ideas - I'm relatively talented in music.... I kind of run out right about there. I suppose I'm a good listener, because despite being the youngest of my friend group most everyone I hang out with eventually comes and asks me for advice. Some people have told me that when I can look at a situation objectively, I am very wise. Unfortunately I can't seem to apply this common sense to my own life. x.x'
Crap, that's only three. Uh... I'm funny! I'm funny, that's a good one. I actually really love doing stand up comedy and stuff at coffeehouses, or just around groups of my friends; and I like to think that, considering they're constantly laughing at the stuff I come up with, that I'm relatively amusing. Kelly has told me time and time again that we need to put a microphone in her car just to record some of the shit we say.
Still need one more. Uh, I always have fun ideas? No, that's kind of covered by creativity. Er...
I have pretty hair? o.o''' I can type really fast? I don't know. I'm totally insane. That one comes in handy a lot, and my friends seem to enjoy it about me.
- What do you think are your top five weaknesses or worst qualities?
See, now THIS is easier. I'm immature, egotistical, lazy, mildly sociopathic, and totally insane. To explain - I'm really selfish (who isn't?), and a lot of the time I am SO caught up in my own world that this one kind of seems pathetic in comparison. I have no real conscience or standard morals - a lot of things that strike most people as wrong, like lying or stealing, I just really don't care about. I believe firmly in things like procreation licenses and population control that would be called genocide by anyone else. I'm a snotty little brat who constantly feels imposed upon by the world, and what's worse, I'm constantly dissappointed that no one seems to recognize my genius for the brilliance it is. The world has no place for me and my revolutionary thinking. (Hence the egotism.)
I'll, uh, stop there.
- Define in your own words the following key traits:
- Courage: Courage and cowardice are the same thing. It's the difference between getting into a fight to look cool, and getting into a fight to protect your little sister. The truth of the matter is, there's no real line between them. Courage is what happens when you're afraid, but do something anyway, even if it means that what you fear might happen. It's the acceptance of consequences that terrify you, because accepting those consequences is the Right Thing To Do.
It's also for people who care what others think of them, and who don't comprehend fear on a base level. Personally, I don't consider myself courageous; to be honest, while I'd do a lot of things most people would do, like run into a burning building to save my child, I really don't see that as bravery. I see it more as the determination to make things right triumphing over fear.
- Loyalty: Loyalty. Aah, so hard to define! Is it not coveting thy neighbor's wife or stereo or car? Is it not talking shit about your friends behind their backs? Is it not keeping the change you find in your buddy's couch one night? Is it telling your friend when you find out her man is cheating on her?
I think it's a little of all of these, and a little of something else - unconditional love. A willingness to stand by someone no matter the odds. It's another word for friendship.
Least, it should be.
- Intelligence: A person's intelligence is totally subjective, depending on where on the face of the planet he or she is standing. A rocket scientist may as well be a retard if he's out in the Gobi Desert; but a native of that desert would be pretty useless in NYC. It's all a matter of what kind of knowledge we're talking about here. Is intelligence measured by the speed with which you can complete math equations? Your ability to compose music? It's impossible to say.
With that said, I think intelligence is quite possibly merely the level at which one functions mentally; which is to say, how often you use your brain.
- Ambition: Ambition is the desire to achieve ones' goals no matter the consequences, or what must be done in the meantime. A lot of people think you can only be ambitious about the same things - school, work, ruling the world. A lot of people look at me and would never think the word 'ambition'. It's not the opposite of laziness. Ambition is the ruthless completion of that which you want completed. (Key part - that which you want. As in, when I want something, I do it. I just don't often want something enough to have to get tenacious on its ass.)
Ambition is the unflinching readiness to swallow all the world throws at you merely to claw your way to victory - whether that victory be over a coworker, or the villain in your head.
- Name: Sarah
- Age: 19
- Where did you find out about us? bad_rpers_suck
Thank you for your reading, and your vote! ^_^