Aug 14, 2006 23:50
- What sort of profession in the wizarding world would you choose and why?
I think I would enjoy being a professor, teaching Runes, just because that’s such an interesting topic and I love working things out and I’d love the mystery behind it all. I'm really heavy into information, I love learning and I love teaching and I love learning from teaching, I've always been one of the kids in class who kept everyone up to speed on the material and helped with problem spots, so I would like to take that to the next level and be able to help more people.
- If you could teach one class at Hogwarts, what would it be and why?
Well, I guess I’ve already answered this one above, Runes, because they’re used for divination and magic, they hold mystery and power, and can be very guiding. I've always found Runes fascinating, even if I don't know very much about them, so I'd love the opportunity to have a solid reason to learn more about them, as opposed to me just learning them to know them, I'd like to know about them so that I could pass that knowledge onto others and also apply it to different aspects of my life.
- This year, The TriWizard Tournament is being held once again and you're of age. Do you put your name in the Goblet? Why or why not?
I would definitely put my name in the Goblet, yes it is a huge risk, but the prize not just the money but the eternal glory would be entirely worth the struggle. I would love to go down in history as a Triwizard winner, even if I didn't win it would be a chance of a lifetime that people wouldn't be soon to forget.
- If you could choose your animagus form, what would it be and why?
I would most likely choose to be a cat, just because they’re widely used as pets, it’s not uncommon to see cats wandering around so I would be less likely to be caught, I would be able to sneak around and learn important information, I would be agile and able to land on my feet no matter the situation. Also cats are always so sure of themselves, they're sure of their importance, I may not be sure of my importance to society, but I am sure of what kind of person I want to be.
- What HP character do you identify with most and why?
I most identify with Luna Lovegood, because she marches to her own drum, actually I’m pretty sure she marches to her own harp or something… Either way she is her own person, and isn’t swayed by others disbeliefs, she doesn't care what other people think about her so she's always entirely herself.
- What would you see if you looked into the Mirror of Erised?
If I looked into the Mirror of Erised I would probably see the respect and approval of all those around me, I would see people looking to me for direction and taking my advice without question. I try really hard to look at things objectively, with an open mind, and if people ask me for advice and then refuse to take it because they think I'm on a certain side or whatever, it bothers me, so I'd like for people to if they ask advice to take it, because they trust me because I think it's the right thing. I know I don't know everything, but I'm usually pretty good at keeping things civil and taking care of issues.
- If you won a million dollars, how would you spend it?
If I won a million dollars, I like to believe I would give it away to make other people’s lives easier, but I know I wouldn’t, I would probably spend it making sure I was set with all of the major things in life (residence, vehicle, school tuition and that sort of thing), and then I would look into donating whatever remained to charities, I would have to find some sort of charity that gave money to helping schools or something, just because I always feel bad when I find people who aren't as educated not by choice but because they don't have the means or upbringing to allow them to be all they can be.
- What was your ideal job as a kid? Has that changed? What is your ideal job now?
As a kid my ideal job was to be a writer, and as much as I would still love to do that, I don’t plan on doing that as a source of income. At this point in my life I’m considering looking into teaching, not children because I don’t really like children, I would like to be able to identify more with the people I’m teaching, but I would enjoy teaching piano or guitar as private lessons. Mostly I gave up on the idea of being a writer as a career because I highly doubt that will bring me the amount of money I would like to have, because as much as I can live without a lot, both of my parents are doctors, so there is a certain level of life that I'm used to, and sure I could handle less, and will have to at some point in my life, but I definitely want to be able to know I'm secure and comfortable with whatever job I do end up having. Not that teaching will be the largest soure of income in the world either, but maybe if I keep writing as well, we'll see.
- If you were able to invent one spell, potion, or charm, what would it do, what would you use it for or how would you use it, and what would you call it?
I would invent a potion that could make you invisible and non-corporeal so that people would be able to sneak around and find out important information, or if they just wanted to spy on people, because I find chaos mildly amusing, and I wouldn’t call it anything, because the only people that would know about it would be my closest friends. I would probably mostly use it myself to figure out whether or not people were talking about me behind my back, I could care less about most of the gossip and drama that goes on in my life, but it bothers me when people lie to my face and turn around and say something that's completely uncalled for, that they could have said to my face and with at least a little bit of respect (because spying on people is so respectful...), so I'd like to know who my real friends are.
- If you were to face a boggart, what would it turn into? And what does it turn into when you throw the counter-spell, Riddikulus?
If I were to face a boggart, it would probably become an image of myself old, tired, and falling apart. I would be lying if I said I weren't obsessed with appearance, as much as I tend to not go with the flow and styles that are popular, I always try to look my best and I really am not looking forward to even more difficulty keeping up appearances. I also have a huge fear of growing up. My Riddikulus would an owl, because every time I see owls I think of the “O RLY?” owls, and can’t stop laughing, which I know is simple and kind of silly, but that's one of things in my life at the moment that can always put a smile on my face, my Rikkulus would probably change depending on where I was in my life though.
- What do you look for in a friend?
In a friend I look for loyalty, someone that won’t talk about me behind my back, someone that if they have a problem with me, will tell me to my face. I like to be friends with people who know where they are going, and what they have to do to get there, and won’t let stupid little things get in the way of their goals, I would like to be friends with someone whose goals aren’t just to help themselves, but to help as many people as possible in the world. I love meeting new people, and I love being friends with a large group of people, my friends are all very different because I'm very into diversity. I also love finding friends who will show me new things, and teach me things about myself and about the world.
- What trait most annoys you about other people?
When people are close-minded and won’t at least listen to and consider opinions other than their own, that is what annoys me the most about a lot of people, a lot of things annoy me about people, but that's probably the biggest thing. I know no one is perfect, and I can deal with most things, and if I have a problem with someone I'll tell them to their face, but if someone is close-minded and won't even listen to anyone else's ideas or opinions, I tend to give up on them and I just don't see the point in working to help them grow as people if they aren't going to listen and at least think about what I'm saying.
- What do you think are your top five abilities or qualities?
Wow, this is a hard one haha, I’m not really sure, just because I know people see themselves differently then the rest of the world sees them. (1)Probably that I try to keep an open mind in every situation, (2)I know when I need to ask for help and I ask (even if I don’t like doing it), (3)I don’t freak out when I have a problem with someone I calmly and quietly confront them to work things out, (4)when I’m stressed out I always end up cleaning which makes me feel better and makes my house nice : ), and (5) I pick up on things quickly whether it be a school setting or otherwise, I learn quickly.
- What do you think are your top five weaknesses or worst qualities?
(1)Well I’m often told that I care about people way too much, making me not care about myself enough, (2)I also tend to procrastinate on things to the point where I end up not doing them simply because I don’t think they’re worth doing anymore because it’s too late, (3) I often give up on things too easily, or if I’m working on a project I’ll start it and then not work on it for months until I suddenly get an inspiration to finish it, (4) I always end up over thinking things, and jumping to conclusions, and (5) I’m very bad at telling people personal things about myself, which makes it hard for me to get close to people.
- Define in your own words the following key traits:
- Courage: Courage to me, is the ability to look at something you’re afraid of, knowing what you have to do, and forcing yourself to do what should be done to make the world a better place.
- Loyalty: Loyalty, being true to those you are obligated to be true to, being true to your family and friends, and mostly being true to yourself.
- Intelligence: Being able to accept information and retain it, being able to fit it with other things and make connections, and being able to use that information to better your life.
- Ambition: Ambition is knowing what you want and what you need to do to get that, and then doing it, no matter the cost, because the ultimate result is worth more than the means, and because you may learn along the way.
- Name: Jessie
- Age: 16
- Where did you find out about us? n_isfor_Neville
term v,
sorted: slytherin