Jun 18, 2006 22:44
- What sort of profession in the wizarding world would you choose and why?
I would choose something I know would be constantly changing, and would allow me to be creative and have some wiggle room, but still have some schedule and some order, or else I’d be all over the place! The jobs that seem to offer that kind of frame trickle into two final categories to me: shopkeepers and Unspeakables. Being a shopkeeper would probably be my best bet, because I really enjoy interacting with people. A position as an Unspeakable would be very thrilling, and I LOVE being on the “ins”, but it would cut me off entirely from talking about my job, which is something I should enjoy talking about.
- If you could teach one class at Hogwarts, what would it be and why?
I would teach Potions. Potions is a refined subject to me, and even as a little girl playing witches or faeries, I would always pretend to make potions over waving a twig around. It's incredibly useful, and there's as many potions as there are for spells that do the same job--perhaps more! I might spruce up the dungeons a little bit, though. I've had this theory that Neville does so poorly because there's hardly any light sources. ;)
- This year, The TriWizard Tournament is being held once again and you're of age. Do you put your name in the Goblet? Why or why not?
No way. I'm not a big risk-taker at all. I'd be really afraid for my safety, thinking I wasn't prepared enough, I don't react well to that much pressure. Plus, I'd rather not knowingly put myself in danger simply for a contest. I don't think any amount of money is worth putting my family in that kind of position to worry about me either.
- If you could choose your animagus form, what would it be and why?
I would choose to be a horse. They are so intelligent, perceptive, elegant, and graceful; not to mention very strong and they have a ton of stamina. They are a vessel to get from Point A to Point B, and their disposition can determine a whole trip.
- What HP character do you identify with most and why?
Hermione Granger--we were both the fast learners and know-it-alls who were teased mercilessly as children (and even still, we're the bossy mommy-types), and I understand the serious struggle she had with her femininity and being with boys romantically. We have very similar fears and distastes--We're both big fans of control; I'm a big nag (as I'll explain later). I'm terrified of failure and of looking stupid. While I'm not a huge workaholic to the degree that Hermione is, I value hard work, a good brain, and the deep, deep friendship she has with Harry and Ron.
- What would you see if you looked into the Mirror of Erised?
Myself and my family being taken care of, financially especially. I've gone without for a good chunk of my life, and recently my mom has had to take several jobs in order to keep us running smoothly, and I barely see her. I'd love to see us all together; mom with one steady, well-paying job, and have her be around for me and my younger siblings more often.
- If you won a million dollars, how would you spend it?
I would put aside all the money necessary to pay for art school, I've gotten a scholarship, but there's so much money left to pay. I'd use the rest to pay off my mom’s debt, and if there was any left over, I'd save it.
- What was your ideal job as a kid? Has that changed? What is your ideal job now?
My ideal job as a kid was an investigative reporter--I had read the Sweet Valley High book series and I wanted to be just like Elizabeth Wakefield, who was a budding journalist. I pursued the idea until early in my junior year, when I discovered my talent and love for drawing and painting. Though I've shed the journalist angle, writing still has a special place in my heart.
- If you were able to invent one spell, potion, or charm, what would it do, what would you use it for or how would you use it, and what would you call it?
A Clear Thinking Draught--Give it to anyone who has a problem, and they can get outside of themselves and see the problem from all sides. It would be called Extranimadverto Ponere (to percieve/notice from the outside). I'd put in Mountain Pennyroyal for clarity of thought, Cosmos for the ability to express thoughts with coherence and clarity, and Deerbrush for clarity of purpose and sincerity of motive.
- If you were to face a boggart, what would it turn into? And what does it turn into when you throw the counter-spell, Riddikulus?
My boggart would be something like ropes, constriction of some kind. I have a deep fear of being physically restrained and out of control of my own actions. The Riddikulus would turn those ropes into pretty ribbons. :)
- What do you look for in a friend?
A sense of humor most of all. I love to laugh, and if they can make me laugh, they’re practically in. Of course, they have to be honest with me, and somewhat open. I tend to pry sometimes, and a person who gets easily offended by that would not want to be around me long and vice-versa. They have to TALK. Now, I'm not Blabby McBlabster all the time, but if I'm alone with someone, I don't want this stone silence every time, you know?
- What trait most annoys you about other people?
Ignorance. I can’t stand it when people use bad grammar or say things that are so ridiculous and off-the-cuff-not-thought-out it makes me want to strangle them. How hard is it to just look issues up online? Just the basic points of anything so you don't sound like a moron! Whew. Rant over.
- What do you think are your top five abilities or qualities?
1. Creativity/Artistic ability--As I mentioned, I have a talent for drawing and painting, and I'm going to art school for illustration in the fall. I also love to write, sing and act, and I feel like those abilities have helped me sort of escape whatever trouble may be going on around me. It's nice to have that outlet; I write in a journal almost everyday because it's a great way to look at my days and my life and connect the dots and remember things and analyze things and l
2. Wit--I have a pretty sharp mind, and I tend to pick up on things pretty fast. I have a biting commentary which can sometimes get me in trouble. I'm good at things like logic puzzles, cryptoquips, picking up clues in books (like, say, Harry Potter, perhaps? ;) ). According to my sister, I overanalyze everything. I find it fun to be able to piece things together like that, and I always feel great after shooting a real zinger at someone that catches them off guard, or may even be a little insulting (as awful as that sounds!).
3. Judge of Character/Perceptive about people--I'm a great judge of character. I tend to see into people somehow--I can guess what people are thinking, what they're about to say; often what they're intentions are. There have been several times when I've had bad feelings about people that came out very true--I'm not looking for people to fail or be bad so I can say "I told you so", but I'm thankful for the ability to choose my closest friends more carefully, and to protect my already close friends from potentially harmful people.
4. Moral Code--I'm a great big goody-two shoes. I just never felt in was right to get into bad habits. I owe this in large part to my religious background. I grew up Catholic, but moved to a great evangelical Protestant Church about five or six years ago. I know right from wrong. I think I can look ahead and see how bad choices now will effect me down the road. I know that ONE BEER, etc doesn't do much to people, and not to say that every person will become an addict, alcoholic, and so on, but I just feel like if you just cut yourself off from it in the first place, it can't get anywhere. Both sides of my family have addiction issues, and I'd rather not start down that road, especially for the sake of a little "fun" that will just last me a few hours and leave me with a bad headache or worse.
5. Good Listening Skills--Ha, after everything else I've said this seems like a contradiction! Well, no. Once you look at number four on my bad qualities, you'll see the necessity for this skill--you've got to pay attention and retain information in order to utilize it later. But I don't always use my powers for evil! I'm actually a good advice giver because I can take apart testimonies outside of emotion. I'm rational, level-headed, all that boring stuff. :P
- What do you think are your top five weaknesses or worst qualities?
1. Nagging--I'm a nag. Full-blown. I'm the eldest in my family, and I'm a bit more on edge than my real mom, and I always seem to be the one saying to my younger sister: 'Call to check in' or 'Have you told Mom what you're doing?' Mom always says that she's the Mom and it's her job, but she never seems to call my siblings on anything bad or disrespectful that they're doing, which bugs me a lot. I tend to tell my youngest brother what to do a lot, especially when I'm babysitting him and he gets way too into TV or videogames (he's kind of pudgy). I usually tell him to go outside and run around, or at least do something constructive. I tend to really frustrate my family by being so overbearing on my siblings.
2. Lack of Athleticism--I'm a very indoorsy type--not that I don't llove the outdoors, but I don't play any sports, and I just don't really enjoy playing sports. I tend to stay active enough not to be overweight or too out-of-shape, but I know I'll probably regret it later if I neglect it as I get older.
3. Procrastination--I'm a terrible self-motivator unless it's something I truly enjoy or a do-or-die type situation. Whenever I buckle down and finish something, I feel great, so I'm not really sure why this is still a problem for me.
4. Manipulative--It's not always a bad thing to have, unless you use it for evil. I use my manipulativeness to get the information I want, usually. I like being in the 'inner circle', so to speak, and I hate feeling left out or ignorant where my friends or family are concerned. I can't stand having things kept from me either--it's one of my bigger pet-peeves. I'm very subtle about coaxing information out, and people don't even know I'm working them over sometimes. It's one of my less attractive, but more useful, qualities.
5. Superiority Complex--I'm a pretty well-adjusted and mature girl, and I sometimes put myself above other people who don't have those feelings developed yet. I can be incredibly condescending and insidious--but the thing is, it's not to make anyone feel badly--I just feel that I know the right way to do things so I say so. I need to get a better handle on when I'm doing those things.
- Define in your own words the following key traits:
- Courage: Courage isn't about facing danger blindly; it's about fighting for something you believe in no matter what, and taking the uncomfortable, or perhaps even frightening circumstances that go with protecting that belief.
- Loyalty: Being loyal is about sticking with your system, your principles, your people. Finding a common ground that's more important thatn anything else. Loyalty isn't about who you like better, but what you think is better for everyone--or, whoever's involved.
- Intelligence: Whew, complex. Not just booksmartedness, because you can't believe everything you read--but the ability to problem solve, be creative, and sort out the important things from the not-so-important. Prioritizing, being informed, articulate. Good grammar/reading skills/just talking about world issues costs nothing. Be informed, be ready. Take about controversy. Read as much as you can. Observe. Dip into a little of everything. Know your beliefs and values, and stand by them, but be open--though not necessarily flexible. Evaluate.
- Ambition: Gotta have drive. Ambition is the spark that gets the fires of history started, pardon the awful metaphor. If you don't want to start it, you won't get it. And being ambitious isn't the same as being ruthless, despite popular belief. Ambition is about desire. The desire to create, to further for a benefit, be it personal or more.
- Name: Alyssa
- Age:17
- Where did you find out about us?"
I was invited by Brooke/Laynie to come apply AGES ago, and I finally got some time to spare with school out and all, and I decided it would be a good investment!
sorted: ravenclaw,
term v