(no subject)

Jun 08, 2006 16:06

What sort of profession in the wizarding world would you choose and why? Auror, without a doubt. I love mysteries, adventure, risks and challenges, so this would be the job for me. I long to make a difference and work actively for the good guys, but I can't sit around back at the Ministry waiting to write a report on the latestNose-eating Teapot. I need to be out there myself, knowing Im actually doing something thats important.

If you could teach one class at Hogwarts, what would it be and why? Defense Against the Dark Arts. While reading the books, I always saw it as the most interesting, and the most practical. Its important to know what you're up against and how to handle it. There's a world outside of Hogwarts, and students would nee to know how to survive. Plus, who wouldn't want to hang out in a castle all day teaching kids how to wrestle buggery little monsters and have a good laugh at funny looking boggarts?
This year, The TriWizard Tournament is being held once again and you're of age. Do you put your name in the Goblet? Why or why not? Oh, totally. Im always up for a challenge, and I jump headfirst into risky situations. I thrive on adreanline, and work best under pressure. Having people rely on me makes me work harder, and the constant threat of the unknown makes it even more enjoyable.

If you could choose your animagus form, what would it be and why? Hm, tough. Probably a Horse. They're strong and smart, and can hold their own in a dangerous situation. They really make a difference when they're needed, plus, they're loyal and caring. They work hard and are focused, which is something I should work on.

What HP character do you identify with most and why? Sirius or James. Like Sirius, I dont have the best relationship with my family. Things are tough with us, and always have been. Im sort of cast off to the side, like he was, and Im not my parents' favorite child. I am fiercely loyal to my friends, and usually hate myself after Ive made a mistake, and I have a very hard time letting go. I often rush into things without thinking, and long for adventure and liberty. Like James, Im very, very, very stubborn and don't give up easily. Im driven and smart, but somethimes that all goes to waste. I don't do my best in school, and slack off a lot, even though I am more than capable of getting good grades. I love to pull pranks and get into trouble, but could be serious in a second if the situation required it. Im driven and focused, and try hard for the things I want.

What would you see if you looked into the Mirror of Erised? I'd see myself in the future. I want to be in the CIA when I grow up, which is a very difficult path. It'll be tough, Ill get scars and bruises, and Ill cry a lot. But Im willing to give up everything to serve my country and protect people, even if it means putting my life on the line. More than anything, I want to have assurance that I will succeed.

If you won a million dollars, how would you spend it? I'd split it up in three. One third I would give to a bunch of different charities, probably helping women in Africa or the Middle East, or children, or animals. Id give another third to my family, because theres many expenses. My brother is in a wheelchair and requires a lot of money. The last third would be for myself, which I would split in half. One half would go into the bank for college or a house or whatever, then the other half Id spend entirely on books. I live for books, I think I should get medication. Is sleep in a abookstore if I could, and Im always in a better mood after a nice long trip there. I read religiously, its almost disgusting.

What was your ideal job as a kid? Has that changed? What is your ideal job now? I was fickle when I was younger. First, I wanted to be Michelle Kwan, jumping into the air and wearing pretty little costumes with lots and lots of sparkles. Then I wanted to be a vet so I could help animals, but I couldnt stand operating on them or putting one to sleep. Then I wanted to be a teacher, which was quite stupid because I dont like kids. I want to be either a Case Officer or a Counterintelligence Threat Analyst for the CIA. Yeah, I know its tough and I know its risky, but I wouldn't have it any other way. The training for a case officer (the typical view of a spy) is very intense and scary and requires real dedication and concentration. An anyalyst is faced with world changing information and situations every day, and really makes a difference on the home front. Both of these jobs are world changing, and usually save many peoples lives, even if its at a risk to your own. I long for adventure, but I also want to be a hero and make a difference, and dont want things to fall into my lap. This is the perfect job for me.

If you were able to invent one spell, potion, or charm, what would it do, what would you use it for or how would you use it, and what would you call it? With one small fire of  "peau sèche!", all your dry skin woes will be magicked away! Yep, that's what Id create a spell for. How annoying is it to constantly have to use lotion or cream all the time, when dry, itchy skin always comes back? Everyone gets it, even Dark Lords! With one simple flick of the wrist, no more lotions, no more cremes, no more itching, just smooth, soft skin!

... Im a dork, I know :P

If you were to face a boggart, what would it turn into? And what does it turn into when you throw the counter-spell, Riddikulus?I don't know what form it'd come in, but in some way or another, it'd represent failure. I couldn't live with myself if I knew I failed at something important, something I worked hard for or something people were counting on me for. With Riddikulus? It'd probably turn into Mr. Bean, just because I find him dreadfully silly. Or maybe Luna's Gryffindor hat. Oh, hey! Mr. Bean wearing Luna's Gryffindor hat! Yes, thats it.

What do you look for in a friend? I look for loyalty, humor, and bravery. Since I stress selflessness and courage in my own life, I need a friend who is the smae in that way. Plus, you cant be serious and sullen all the time, fun is required. Im always the one to pull a silly prnak or do something outrageous for a laugh, and I respect people who are willing to do that with me. Loyalty is also something I look for. A friendship wouldnt be healthy if you were constantly wondering if the othe person was going to leave you hanging. I need someone who will stick with me, through thick and thin.

Rule following. Now, I dont mean like, "Don't jump into the tank of acid," rule following, I mean the type where people have no fun. They sit around all day worrying about getting in trouble and are always trying to be prefect. Life isnt perfect, you just have to try to do the best you can. Preparation can only take you so far, after that you gotta take a few leaps of faith. Life can't be spent sitting around waiting for the okay, you gotta jump in and embrace it completely, and be happy that you're there-alive. You can't lose at life, you can't be fired, you have to live it- not by the book.

What do you think are your top five abilities or qualities?
1. Creative. I can think of an answer to anything, and come up with unique ways of solving problems. I love art, and especially theatre.
2. Outgoing. I love to talk to people, though I can be a little shy in a smaller group. THe more people there are, the louder and more talkative I get. I speak up in class and like to get to know people. Im not afraid to speak up for what I believe in, or when someone's being bullied, or even for just a friendly conversation.
3. Friendly. I'll always be the kid to invite someone to my lunch table, regardless of what it would to to my 'reputation'. I love my friends and Im always cheerful with a smile on my face.
4. Brave. Id give my life in a second if it meant helping someone else. Risks make me work better, and as Ive said, I love adventure. Id jump right into a dangerous situation without much thought. 
4. Loyal. I stand by my friends always, and it takes a lot to tear me away from them. Id never drop them for a boy or a place in a higher social circle, these are the kids that are always there for me. I also stick to my beliefs, even if they aren't the most favorable of if they're a little quirky. If its important to me, Ill stand by it, even if it is a bit tougher.

What do you think are your top five weaknesses or worst qualities?
1. Stubborn. I have a hard time accepting change or something different, and stick to my opinion completely. If its a really good idea, Ill acccept it grudgingly. Im slow to change and totally hate it. Im persistant and dont give up easily, which can someimes be annoying. 
2. No self confidence. Im constantly doubting myself, and dont usually praise myself on what I do well. I always strive for faster, stronger, better, which brings me to my next point...
3. Perfectionist. I always want things Im doing to be perfect, with no room for argument. Now, I know that totally goes against what I said before, but theres a difference, I swear! :P In my  (important) work, I try and do my very best, and beat myself when Ive messed up.
4. Lazy. If Im tirsty and survival means me getting up to get a drink- Id dead. Now, when something is really imporatnat to me, I never slack off, but in trivial things in daily life, Im a lazy arse.
5. Trouble maker. Im the one to lead girls into the forbidden rooms and hallways in my school, to make up outrageous excuses as to why I dont have my homework and what, exactly, made all those holes in my uniform.

Define the following in your own words:

Courage:  Not being afraid of losing your life to help others. Courage requires strength, boldness- which all builds confidence or even just bravery in the face of the dangerous or unknown.
Loyalty:  Sticking by or with something, even if its the tougher road. It may be harder and it may be painful, but if its a good friend or a strong belief, you gotta stick with it.
Intelligence:  being able to think quickly and creatively in a situation. Intelligence is common sense, not what you can remember from a book. If you cant put what you've learned to use, its nothing.
Ambition: Striving for the best, or to accomplish something. In order to get what you dream of, or even something silly, you've gotta be ambitious.

Name: Molly
Age: 15
Where did you find out about us? Just surfin' around!

Im pretty sure the coding has to be changed with the new and not-so-improved Live Journal. I copied straight from the community userinfo, and it didnt work. Sorry, I just realized!

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